24; By The Light Of Dawn

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The agonizing pain in her head still hadn't subsided, which was why Tris was at Magnus', trying to calm herself, which wasn't really working

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The agonizing pain in her head still hadn't subsided, which was why Tris was at Magnus', trying to calm herself, which wasn't really working. Her breathing was coming in short, her hands jittery as she looked around the apartment. Magnus was rummaging through his bookshelves, trying to find information on people with Hellfire but seeing his furrowed brows and pursed lips, Tris knew he didn't find anything.

"Tristen? Has the pain subsided?" Magnus called out.

"No," she whimpered, bringing her knees to her chest, and pushing her hair out of her face with the sweaty palms.

"All right," Magnus returned, holding a drink in his hand, and holding her chin to open her mouth and feeding her the medicine. He was more than worried for the girl, and to see her like this...he felt as though he was in pain. 

As Tris closed her eyes, the door flew open, Tyler, Jace, Clary, Luke and another woman which Tris recognized but believed to be dead, walked in. Magnus looked up and his brows immediately furrowed before looking down at Tris. "Oh, God," Magnus mumbled.

"Dot?" Tris squeaked out, and Jace looked at Magnus as Tyler rushed to his best friend, and the girl pulled him into a small embrace and Luke walked towards her.

"You okay, kid?" He asked, and Tris just shrugged.

"Magnus?" Jace called. "How is she?"

Magnus, glanced at the girl sideways as she hugged her best friend with her eyes closed before looking at Jace again. "Not so good..." he trailed off, sighing. "I don't know what to do, there seems to be nothing that can help. Apparently, she's supposed to sweat it out. I can't just sit here and watch her suffer while doing nothing I can to help."

Jace immediately frowned; the headaches, the ridiculous amount of drowsiness...was that all Hellfire? He glanced at her, and she was already looking at him, both of their eyes meeting. Jace rose a brow and held out a thumbs up sign, asking her if she was okay. The girl simply shook her head and put a thumbs down in response. She looked at the rest. "So, what's," she cleared her throat, "the plan?"

Magnus fed Dot a sort of a medicine, as all of them sat down around the couch where Tris was, Jace and Tyler right next to her. "There you go. You'll start feeling better in no time."

Dot gave him a grateful smile. "Thank you."

"Dot, tell us everything you know."

She inhaled sharply. "I heard Valentine briefing his men. If Jace touches the sword, his grip would destroy it."

"Me?" Jace rose a brow. "Why should we believe a word she says? It's probably just another trap." 

"Luke, Clary, Tristen, you know me," Dot defended, looking at the three.

"You've lied to me before."

"Because of the injections," Dot sighed. "But now that he has the warlock girl, he's cast me aside. I'm myself again."

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