17 • Colour Me Red

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《Short Recap》

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《Short Recap》

I only saw Vinay in college the next few weeks, usually smoking a joint in the parking lot or on the basketball court since the game season was drawing near.

The unexplainable ache in my chest slowly disappeared completely and I stopped worrying about him.

I started spending more and more time at work, almost forgetting what it felt to be free.

I found myself back at square one.


Grabbing my tote, I stuffed my calculus notes inside and made my way out of the classroom to meet the Kabra twins in the parking lot.

Neel was leaning against the side of his navy blue I-10 typing away into his phone. As I got closer I saw that he was grinning like an idiot.

'Ahem.' I cleared my throat as I reached within earshot.

Neel immediately straightened up and shoved his phone into his trouser pocket and said, "Oh Akira! I didn't see you."

I raised my brow questioningly, "Who's the lucky girl?"

"What are you talking about? It was just my grandmother asking about college and stuff." He shrugged.

I bit back a snort, "At least think of a better lie next time because last time I checked no guy blushes like a freaking strawberry sauce while texting their grandma."

"What did I miss?" Roshni panted, as she sprinted towards us, "Oh my God Akira! Why is Neelu baby red?"

"Don't call me that." Neel gritted.

"He's been texting a girl." I told her, my mouth twisting into a sly grin.

"What?" she exclaimed loudly, "And you didn't tell me?"

"Guys just stop ok. It isn't something serious." Neel groaned.


"No, seriously!" he said pulling his mouth into a frown.

Roshni rolled her eyes at her brother's words but let it slide.

"Ok so can we please go and eat something. I think I fried a couple of neurons from all that integration we did today." She pouted.

"Hey integration is like the best part of calculus, okay." I said in defence.

"Whatever," she shrugged, "Are you coming?"

"No, actually I need to drop in at the office. There's this new program I need to feed into the server." I replied apologetically.

"All right." Neel nodded getting into their car, "Do you need a ride?"

"Thank you but I guess I'll just walk." I smiled, "I haven't been exercising much lately."

"Well, see you tomorrow then. Bye." Roshni climbing into the front seat.

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