42 • Racing Hearts

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《Short Recap》

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《Short Recap》

He lay me down on his bed and took out a tablet from his bag, breaking it into half and handed it to me with a glass of water.

"Here, have this." He said softly, "I'll be back."

I swallowed the pill and sighed. Was this actually happening? A wave of fear and carnal desire rushed through my veins in a chilling flurry.

I stared at the ceiling as I waited, and slowly my vision went dark and I plunged into a dark abyss of nothingness.


I woke up drenched in a puddle of sweat, completely delirious and my surroundings felt eerily foreign. A warm hand clutched mine tightly, and I sat up with a start to find Vinay dozed off in an arm chair that he had pulled to the edge of the bed.

I tried to free my hand from his grip gently but he wouldn't budge so I left it there as I ran the other through my hair warily. I vaguely remembered the events of the previous night, a hazy blur of a coke induced intoxication and boldness.

"Oh my God!" I mumbled to myself, my lower lip quivering as I broke down.

My chest heaved violently as I began to sob. My mouth tasted funny and my throat was parched, making the growing ball inside my throat hurt more than usual. More than anything I was exhausted.

"Why me?" I asked myself in a hoarse whisper.

Vinay jolted awake because of my movement and loud sobs, wordlessly climbing onto the bed and wrapping his arms around me tightly and pulling me against his chest.

"It's ok." He coaxed quietly.

"Of course it's not!" I croaked between sobs, "I can't imagine something like that happened to me. I should not have been so irresponsible. I..."

Vinay listened silently as I vented out furiously, holding me protectively as I went from blaming myself to blaming the world. By the time I was done, I had stopped crying. An empty, void feeling engulfed me.

"Here, take this." Vinay said, filling a glass of water and handing it to me, "You need to hydrate yourself and need to get something to eat. I'll order some room service, okay."

I nodded, sighing.

"Do you know who did it?" I inquired, sipping the cool water that seemed foreign to my taste buds.

His jaw clenched visibly as he nodded, "Don't worry, I took care of it."

He got up to draw aside the curtains of the window to let in the tender rays of the rising sun. Only then did I realise that it was just dawn.

I frowned, "What do you mean?"

"I know it was not the best way of dealing with the situation but I did the first thing that occurred to me," Vinay sighed doggedly, "I beat the dude up. Fucking bastard won't go around stumbling into other people's parties huh out of his mind."

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