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"And who's us?" The man looks at me "What?" I look at him serious. "Who are you."

The man thinks for a second "well since you're gonna die anyway, why not tell you."

He pulls out a chair and sits down "let go of him." They release my hair while I shake it out.

"You see we come from a very powerful mafia group. You probably know us-" I interrupt "Nope."

He stops "Well anyway, we strive to get on top after the most famous mafia groups leader died. Now it's time for us to climb the ranks again."

Huh weirdo "And we will do that by taking down the Seven Deadly Sins mafia." I nod "so what's the name?"

He looks at me confused but than realizes. He gets up closer to me and smirks.

"We are the Black Star mafia" I snicker.

"That's good to know."

The man snaps his fingers and all the men come out.

"What's good to know." I smile and tilt my head . "The name." He looks confused.

"You know you look familiar." I raise a brow "me?" He nods "but who knows."

"Well not like it matters." I nod "you're right, but we were trying to find you."

"Who is we?" I smile "Oh shouldnt you know. Come here I'll tell you."

He comes over and I whisper in his ear. His eyes widen "but since you know, you have to die now."


Instantly breaking the cuffs I quickly spring out. I go straight for the man to my right and grab the knife on his leg.

I slice his throat but quickly duck from the punch of the man to my left.

I kick him down with a big spin as I turn behind me and throw the knife directly to him. He falls dead, well now thats done, I grab the gun off the man I sliced the neck from.

I check the gun and cock it. Not that I'm in a rush but I shoot the man running at me. Too slow man, too slow.

Just in that moment a man swipes his knife at me, His arm seems to freeze. I was grabbing it and he was scared. Well he should be I guess, Twisting his arm I press my gun to his wrist and pull the trigger.

He cries out while I quickly drop the gun and grab his knife with my now free hand proceeding to instantly stab the side of his head. I stand there for a second just holding his arm "Aweee we're holding hands. Ew"

I throw his arm down in disgust.

I turn my head and make eye contact with another man "No no no." I smile as I walk to him. "Yes yes yes"

He falls trying to crawl away. I stomp on his ankle causing him to make a curtailing scream out of his mouth.

I shoot his knee, why crawl? Just fall face flat onto the floor. Picking him up I turn him around and grab his collar.

"Awe scared now?"

"Please Min don't kill me, I'll do whatever you want."

I smirk "Oh? Well you can do something for me." He smiles with wide eyes nodding.

"Yes yes, what anything." My smile seems to creep around my entire face, he was mortified. I no longer looked sane "Die." My gun seemed to use itself, it only took a millisecond to shoot him dead, his scared face seemed to fall.

I just let him go, it's been awhile since I last did this. I began to lean my head back and take in the smell of what seemed to be the tears and blood of the people laying before me.

In a instant I let go of my trapped air to smile.

Oh it's been way way to long.

I grab the mans phone and check the day.

Jesus it's been 3 days. You would think someone would be worried.

I go to his messages and contact an unknown number again.


Sorry to message so soon
Little Glider.


Need some mess cleaned,
Can you do that for me


Good boy
Take any and all information
From this phone.

Also clean this area
Location xx at destination xx

Wait.. don't tell me
You're back.

Goodbye Glider.

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