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Jimin moves a bit " They didn't." I look at him "Didn't what?"

He sighs "Touch me, maybe they punched me a lot but the so called boss always told them not to touch me."

I nod "Did you ever see him?" He shakes his head "they never let me, always put a bag on me."

"Did you hear what they talked about." Jimin shrugs "Kinda? But it was mainly about when the mafia group was going to get me."

I nod as I tighten my grip on the steering wheel, "Fuck the mafia group." Jimin looks at me confused "They didn't give a shit, I trusted Tae for them to find you but they took too long and didn't give a shit."

Jimins eyes widen "T-then you-" I nod "Yes I found you and I did all of that."

Jimin can't piece anything together "The dead bodies the explosion, this car?" I nod.

"Then when the person called you M-Min." I step on the breaks and Jimin screams a bit.

"Don't talk about it." He looks at me, I glare at him "Never say that name ever again, unless you want to die."

Jimin gulps as I start to drive again. "I-I'm sorry." I sigh "I'll tell you when the time comes, for now please don't say it. Not only to me but anyone."

He looks at me confused "Why?" I bite my lip. "I'll tell you a small secret." I look at him and he nods.

"Anyone who says the name Min is accepting death. Everyone in the mafia and police department know."

Jimin eyes widen as he try's to say something "if you are ever near a mafia never say Min, it may be apart of my name but no one in the mafia gose by the name Min"

"Why?" I keep driving "Because of me." I look him in the eyes as I drive forward.

"We're going to see Tae." Jimin nods "Is there a reason why." I smile "You like saying why today." He huffs.

"I told them I would save you myself and I did." It gose silent "Whatever you do don't tell them what happened unless I tell them first." Jimin nods.

It falls silent "Youre ok though right?" Jimin nods for what seems like the most he's done today.

"It was traumatizing and it will take awhile to get use to it but nothing I dont go through during sex." I whip my head to look at him as he starts to laugh.

"It's not funny." He laughs a bit more "More of, what took your ass so long huh?!"

I look at him and then back to the road as he stares at me with a sassy look.

I chuckle "Tae was taking his sweet ass time and I got tired of waiting." My smile slightly falters.

"I'm sorry." Jimin smiles "It's ok, just don't be late next time." I smile back "There won't be a next time. I'll make sure of it."

A smile that was pure turned into a devilish smirk that even Jimin wouldn't want to be the man that caused that expression.

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