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I take the Sd card out of the phone and smash the phone .

I lift the dead mans head and shove the SD card in the place I shot him.

"No one will miss trash like you." I shake my head.

I look at the time on my watch and sigh. "He should be sending people over to clean soon I need to get out of here."

I try to wipe all the blood off my face with a jacket and some cloth I find near by.

I fix my hair and walk out of what seems to be an abandon doctors office.

The fuck were they gonna do? Neuter me?

I just walk down the path I remembered from looking on the maps of the dead persons phone.

I've been walking for 30 minutes and I'm tired. I turn the corner and bump into someone.

"Min?" I look up and see the man I met the day I was kidnapped.

"Oh hey what's up?" He looks at me for a bit.

Shit do I still have blood? "Are you wearing the same clothes from the other day?"

I look at myself then him who's in a whole new outfit. "Well you know you would think I'd be in something new but these clothes are just so damn comfortable."

He just nods "hey is your nose bruised?" I touch it and yep it is. Eh he punched me twice and I shot him in the head, fair trade.

"Oh yea, don't worry about it. Some thugs tried to grab my things." The man looks at me up and down.

"Don't worry they only got my phone." He nods "Anyway I gotta go. My roommate is looking for me."

I wave him off as I walk away.

Something tells me he didn't believe me. Now that I think about it I never got his name.

Ah who cares I probably won't meet him again.

It took another hour walking tell I'm back at my house.

I enter in and I hear a scream. Ow.

"YOONGI!! Where have you been!"

I see Jimin run to me as Tae and the scared boy is next to him.

"What the fuck Yoongi what happened to your face."

I flip Tae off and go to the kitchen to get some frozen peas

"Nothing much just got mugged, they took my phone." Jimin shakes his head "doesn't explain where you've been."

I shrug "Maybe I was fucking around with someone and slept over, remember someone stole my phone I couldn't text you."

Jimin smiles "oooo who!" God he's to easy to lie too.

"None of youre business but he is handsome." Tae shook his head.

"More handsome then me." I smirk "You know what? Yea he is."

Tae rolls his eyes "What did he look like?" I think.

"Somewhat tall, handsome black hair with a undercut, very somewhat stern face. Talks a little too seriously but still nice."

Tae looks at the boy on the couch and he looks back at Tae.

I just ignore it, not like they know him.

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