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Hoseok POV

It's been 2 days since that man named Yoongi disappeared.

If Black star is trying to start something already then they will fail.

What would that kid know.

I hear a knock on my door "Come in." Namjoon walks in.

"We still haven't found him yet, but it dose seem he may have been kidnapped." I sigh.

More work to do, this is why I hate having people involved.

"Keep looking, if Black Star took him then we can use him as a lead to get to Black Star."

Namjoon nods.

Not much we can do but wait, not like I really want to do anything.

"Also we got news from Jin." I look at him.

"He found information on Black Star, but nothing really new from what we already knew but he knows that Black Star decided to make sections in their mafia that deals with low work."

I hum "but recently theres a group held by a man named Ji-hoon. He's a low rank that dose dirty work for Mr.Wang."

I think "Alright, will focus on everything else tomorrow." Namjoon bows and leaves.

Sections aren't unherd of but for them to have low ranks, he must be hiring people to just get rid of them.

I shake my head and go to my room to sleep.

The next morning I wake up and get dressed heading back to my office.

I do some paper work and take some calls as well, till namjoon comes walking In.

"Yes?" He bows "we found new information on Ji-hoon." I raise my brow. Already?

"Jin was able to hack into his phone and find secret messages. Seems like he was an errand boy and he was heavily into the mafia group. Almost like a creepy devoted fan boy."

I nod taking in the information. "Jin also stated that Ji-Hoons body was found this morning as well." I instantly look up.

"What?" Namjoon nods "he was found dead, shot in the head. Jin doesn't know why but he thinks they pissed off a hire up." I hum.

"Well that's one less person out of the way. Also how is Jin recently?"

Namjoon smiles "he's been doing better but recently his anxiety has gotten to him."

I look confused "how?" Namjoon sighs "I have no clue but one moment I see him looking down with fear in his eyes and the next moment he smashed his phone."

I try to think of what it may be "Maybe he lost in a game." Namjoon chuckles. "How many times has he done it."

Namjoon thinks "Twice I believe, idk what it is and when I look into his phone I can't find anything it's all wiped clean."

I nod "Well he's loyal to us, if he won't tell us it's fine plus it's Jin, I wouldn't be surprised if he wired his phone to erase everything once it's smashed."
Namjoon nods as well.

I sigh and get up throwing my jacket on "you going somewhere?" I nod.

"I'm gonna go for a walk, you're welcome to leave." Namjoon nods as I leave.

I head out and decide to go to a small part of town. I needed to see something, just as I turn the corner I bump into someone.


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