Chapter Two: Be Alright

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"I swear, Lexi, you brought your entire room," I say after finally dragging her gigantic and fluffy pink bean bag chair

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"I swear, Lexi, you brought your entire room," I say after finally dragging her gigantic and fluffy pink bean bag chair. It was way heavier than it looks, which is why I originally offered to bring it up.

"How am I supposed to know what I will need in the future, I'm not psychic, Mari!" Lexi laughs from the top of her bed as she starts to hang up her 'twinkly lights,' as she calls them.

I laugh, turning toward the front door as I see my parents entering, both carrying one of my boxes. "These are the last ones, Mijita!" my dad says as he lays down my last box onto the floor of our room.

"Gracias, Papá," I turn from Lexi to smile at him. I spot my Mom wiping down my nightstand with a Clorox wipe. I laugh and shake my head at her. "Mamá, I've barely moved in! The room isn't dirty yet." I walk over to her side as she looks up at me. ("Thank you, Dad,")

"But it's probably still dirty from the last person, Mija!" She says as she continues to wipe.

I laugh at her as I look around at all of my unpacked college necessities and I notice something missing.

My guitar.

"Mamá... dónde está mi guitarra??" I frantically start looking around the room and wonder if I left it in the car. ("where is my guitar?")

I need that guitar; It's practically a safety net for me when I start to get too overwhelmed.

"Oh, honey it's probably at home! I didn't see you grab it." my mom walks over to me and holds me in place, stopping my search.

How did I forget the most important thing to me at home? "No te preocupes, you get it when you come to visit!" ("Don't worry...")

Yeah, calm down Mariana. It's fine, it's just a guitar. Nothing to freak out over. I'll go pick it up at some point in Lexi's car.

My dad walks over and signals to us that it's time to go.

I've been dreading saying bye to my parents. I frown at my dad's gesture and he notices, making him walk over to me and cradle my face in his hands one last time.

"Mijita, recuerda. You will do the most amazing things here. You're gonna make us so proud," he says, looking over his shoulder at my mom, "My daughter, una médica! Dr. Torres. I can see it now!" ("remember... a doctor!")

He's smiling so wide it reminds me why I'm doing all of this in the first place. I'm doing this for them.


It's been about an hour since my parents left and Lexi and I have been setting up our room, leaving the side with the third bed empty.

Our third roommate hasn't arrived yet, but I just hope she's nice.

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