Chapter Thirteen: Better Now

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~ Here Comes The Sun ❀ Glee Cast Version ~

~ Here Comes The Sun ❀ Glee Cast Version ~

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"Mi Amor!!!"

Aiden and I are making our way up the cracked stone stairs toward the door when my Abuelita appears wearing her apron that says 'la Abuela favorita de todos' that I got her about four Christmas' ago.

She wears it almost every time she cooks.

A big goofy smile takes over my face as I laugh and run over to her open and inviting arms.

"Abuelita!" I melt into her arms, closing my eyes instinctively while smelling the faint smell of bread and clean sheets that's radiating off her

God, I missed that smell.

"Quien es este gringo Hermoso," I hear her ask from above my head. ("who is this beautiful white boy?")

I almost forgot about Aiden. Almost.

Slowly I release myself from her embrace, stepping back only slightly. Looking over my shoulder, I spot Aiden with his hands stuffed in his front pocket and head pointed to the floor.

He looks up at us through his lashes and my heart practically skips a beat at the sight.

I take a deep breath before turning back to my Abuelita, "He's a friend from school who offered to give me a ride, y el no es Hermoso" I mumble the last part even though I know Aiden wouldn't understand. ("And he is not beautiful")

My Abuelita gives me an are you kidding me? Look, which I ignore.

She lets me go and makes her way past me to Aiden.

"Hello, Stranger who brought my granddaughter back to me," she reaches him and stares him down, making him visibly more nervous than before.

He removes his hand from his pocket and extends it toward my grandma, "H-hi, ma'am. I'm Aiden Grey. I go to school with your daughter." he explains as I catch the small stutter in the beginning.

Not used to meeting the family, are you, Grey?

I giggle quietly while watching the scene in front of me.

My Abuelita doesn't grab his outstretched hand, but rather puts her hands on her hips and gives him a calculating gaze.

Aiden's eyes widen slightly, but he keeps his hand held out in hopes that she'll shake it at some point in the near future.

After what felt like a whole minute, but was probably more like ten seconds, a smile breaks out on my Abuelita's face and she grabs Aiden's hand, pulling him into her warm, squishy arms.

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