Chapter Eighteen: Bad Intentions

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"Mari, you didn't mean to

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"Mari, you didn't mean to. It was an accident."

"A hilarious accident." Luke chimes in while Lexi is trying to comfort me after my angry attack on Summer's face.

I was sitting on one of the beach chairs that Luke brought while drinking a White Claw, my fifth White Claw.

After I practically spiked Summer in the face with a volleyball, the game pretty much ended in a tie. Mason grumbled on how he should have won because I injured one of his teammates, not that he even cares about Summer.

He just wanted an excuse to win.

And honestly, I would have given it to him if Luke didn't insist that it be declared a tie. I just didn't care anymore.

Not after he looked at me like that.

Aiden helped Summer off the sand and kept a warm comforting hand on her back as he walked her to one of the beach chairs.

She was still crying.

It's barely bruised, girl. Come on.

I knew deep down that she was being dramatic, but who am I to tell her how she feels.

And Aiden seemed to believe her pain. He stayed by her side for the next couple of hours, making her laugh, bringing her drinks, and bringing some ice for her nose.

He's being really nice to someone who cheated on him. But, I guess that's just who he is.

"Well, whether you did it on purpose or not, the bitch is fine and needs to woman-up," Lexi states as she crosses her legs and sips from her drink, which I believe is Henny and coke.

I follow her gaze to Summer who is now inspecting her nose in a small compact mirror.

As if feeling eyes on her, Summer turns her head in our direction and glares at me. I have definitely made an enemy out of her.

Lucky me.

I sigh deeply and avert my eyes, not letting myself get into a staredown with the girl I already hit in the face.

The sun is starting to set at this point. A beautiful mixture of orange and yellow were attacking my senses, glowing brightly onto the beach. For a few seconds, I felt myself calm looking at the scene in front of me in a haze.

I could feel the warmth of the setting sun hitting my face as the cooler breeze of the night whirled by me, the combination settling me.

But it didn't last long.

I heard a giggle from in front of me and looked back to where Summer was sitting, now joined by Aiden.

To make matters worse, the orange glow of the sunset was illuminating every indent on his body made by his muscles, making him look like a Greek god descending on Earth to grace us with his beauty.

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