Chapter 1: That Fair Maiden

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Fifteen Years Later

Even as the sun began its descent from on high, the sea of street performers played on in their desperate acts of livelihood.

Some twirled around in scanty silks that would likely never be paid off, dancing for onlookers in the hopes that they would be spared coins. Others played music with homemade flutes or crude strings, filling the air with a sound that both charmed and begged. A person or two attempted to entertain passerby's with magic tricks. Some tried to sing over the commotion, but they often had little success holding attention.

Mina Blackwell had the unfortunate luck of belonging to that final group.

Perched on the edge of a fountain, she sank to her knees in brief respite, her throat raw from singing since mid-morning. A tin cup was beside her, containing just enough coins to cover the bottom, and she tried not to despair at the sight.

Slow days were common, but today was particularly bad. Her anger at those who could've spared her more was only stifled by her fear of what Lorenzo would say to her when she came to give him his dues.

"If only you weren't so forgettable," he said once, years ago.

"If only you would show off like those dancers," he mentioned months earlier.

"If only your voice was nicer," he spoke recently.

All reasons as to why she didn't make more than she did, even when she already had to scavenge his trade for him.

The memory of Lorenzo's words could poke Mina into both sorrow and fury like nothing else, and it was that combination that made her rise once more to her aching feet, plaster on a smile that was as fake as it was radiant, and take a deep breath before releasing what would be her final song of the day.

"Oh me, oh my!
Dearest of thine eye,
If the fair maiden looked close enough,
Why, I fear you'd pass me by!"

She sang loudly despite her fatigue, fighting with every breath to drown out the musicians and other singers. However, she didn't sacrifice quality for volume. Despite what Lorenzo said, her voice was quite a lovely thing, and she was going to make herself heard by all in earshot.

"And such as you,
What with eyes jeweled and blue,
How to tempt your gaze
With charms so far and few?"

Most people remained occupied with other sights, but a handful of spectators did turn their attention to Mina's outburst of song in mild interest.

"That fair maiden,
With hair so long and flaxen,
Could draw your love to light
Away from the hair of ravens.

That fair maiden,
Voice cloaked in sweet intonation,
Could tear you from my side with words
Dripping in temptation."

A few people had begun to walk in Mina's direction now, their eyes fixated on where she stood by the fountain. The setting sun coupled with exertion caused sweat to pool on her body, but she kept on, so desperate for coins that she could weep.

"That fair maiden,
With a face beholding all admiration,
Could bring you to your knees
While I stand alone and forsaken.

That fair maiden,
Upon whose smile is the world's fixation,
Could sweep away your love,
The love that is my salvation.

That fair maiden,
Who knows every secret revelation,
Could strike me bare and hollow,
Lonely as a single striation."

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