Chapter Three

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Diana closes the front door of the Gilbert house, surprised when she sees Elena sat on the stairs. Elena pulls out her headphones and raises an eyebrow at her big sister who appears flustered and out of sorts, her hair an utter mess.

"How was it?" Elena asks, Diana pulls a face and shrugs as she heads up the stairs passed her. Elena watches her go, a small frown on her face.


Diana closes her bedroom door and leans back against it, her eyes closing. She can't believe she did that. She doesn't do that. She doesn't hook up with strangers in public bathrooms. She lifts her head and then taps it back against the wood. And Derek. What is she going to do with Derek? She knows she has to tell him. She has to tell him what she's done. She lets out a breath and kicks off her shoes before she flops face first on her bed with a groan. She can't believe she did this. What the hell was she thinking?


Diana opens the front door to find Derek on the other side, she sighs and goes to close the door on him, she's still a little mad it seems about being forgotten and stood up. He stops the door with his hand.

"Di.." he starts, she clenches her jaw. "I'm sorry" He tells her. Diana opens the door again and leans in the doorway. "Just something came up...and I lost track..."

"Of me" she finishes for him. He gives her a sad look. "You lost track of me"

"Diana..." he starts, she shakes her head.

"It's not the first time though, is it, Derek? You've been late, a lot, recently...." She points out.

"I know" he agrees sadly.

"If you're not serious about this, about us..." she argues.

"I am" he stops her. "Di, of course I am" she gives him a look, doesn't believe him. "I want this to work" he assures her as he steps into the house, stepping closer to her. "I just got caught up"

"In what?" she asks him. "What was more important?" He hesitates slightly and then sighs.

"I...was studying." He admits, but he can tell that she doesn't believe him, because he is lying to her. And if he doesn't want to tell her that's fine, she just wishes he wouldn't lie to her about it. She shakes her head and moves to walks away from him, intending on shutting the door on him. "Di, please" he whispers as he takes her arm, stopping her from walking away from him.

"It's not that simple" she states, he then kisses her, his fingers in her hair.

"I'm sorry" he whispers against her lips. She swallows slightly and sighs. "I'm sorry" he repeats as he wraps his arm around her waist. "It won't happen again"

"Derek" She starts. "After...I called you" she begins, ready to admit that she went to a bar and basically slept with a stranger. She feels like she has to tell him. If they are going to make this work, she has to start with honesty, and then maybe he can see that he can tell her the truth too.

"It doesn't matter" he stops her. "Okay? It doesn't matter" he touches her face. "I was a dick, whatever it was...." He lets out a breath. "I forgive you" she frowns at him. "Just.....forgive me too?"


Diana's jeep pulls up outside of Mystic Falls high school and parks in a bay, Jeremy is the first to climb out without so much as a goodbye. Diana and Elena watch him go.

"Charming as usual, Jeremy" Diana grumbles as she shuts off the engine. Elena climbs out the car as Diana finishes up grabbing her things from the back seat before she climbs out of the car and pulls her bag up her shoulder. Elena stands waiting for her. Because of the whole redoing a year, Diana's drifted from her friends, mostly because she learnt that they were the ones that spread the pregnancy rumor, and well, she doesn't want to be around people like that any more, plus she's not the same girl she was a year ago, they have nothing in common, but that means she is stuck with Elena and her friends, who she doesn't mind, mostly.

"Diana! Elena!" Diana snaps her head around looking for the individual that called her name. Caroline Forbes walks towards Diana and Elena. Elena waves slightly.

"Bye" Diana states and then turns to walk away. Elena grabs Diana's arm and pulls her back.

"She's your friend too" Elena scolds.

"Through desperation" Diana argues as they both watch Caroline walking towards them.


Elena, Diana, and Caroline are now walking towards the school.

"Have you even talked to Bonnie?" Elena asks Caroline.

"No, I'm mad at her. She needs to make the first move.

"Be the bigger person." Elena scolds her.

"Impossible in her presence."

"Why are you so pissed at her anyway?" Diana asks her.

"She's a thief, that's why. I gave her my necklace, and she refuses to give it back. It's a matter of principle." Caroline explains, Diana raises an eyebrow and looks at Elena for help. Caroline gave the necklace to Bonnie, that means it's Bonnie's now. If she'd said that she loaned the necklace, that would be a different story. But she didn't. She gave it to Bonnie. Elena sighs and shakes her head.

"All right. Well, we tried." Elena tells Caroline. "We're officially out of it."

"Yeah" Diana agrees and then mouths 'thank you' to Elena. Elena hugs her arm in acknowledgement.

"Good. Your turn." Caroline starts and turns to Elena. "Where's Stefan? Have you talked to him?"

"He's avoiding me."

Caroline: Why?" Caroline asks. Elena hesitates slightly.

"...It's complicated." Elena answers. The bells rings, giving Elena an excuse to leave. "I'll see you later."

"Bye." Caroline offers. Elena walks away from them. Matt Donovan and Caroline then pass each other.

"Hey" Matt greets. 

"Hey" Caroline counters, but is disappointed by the lack of follow up, and stares at him before walking away. Diana cocks her head as she looks between them.

"What?" Diana whispers. "What is that?" she asks Caroline who turns to her. "Did you two....?" Diana makes kissey sounds. Caroline hits her arm and shoots her a look.

"No" Caroline defends, Diana raises an eyebrow doubting that. "Okay, so...I got drunk and he was nice, he made sure I got home, and then slept in my bed...nothing happened, but..."

"You felt something" Diana offers, Caroline nods. "Well, you could do worse than Matt" Caroline seems surprised by Diana's response. "What?" Diana asks her.

"Just thought you would have more to say about it. Maybe yell at me a little" Caroline admits, Diana shrugs.

"I can yell at you if you want me to" Diana offers, Caroline chuckles and shakes her head. "Alright then, I have to pee, so....see you in class" Diana then walks away from the blonde.

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