bonus • the boy's girl

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Hey guys! I wanted to thank all of you so much for the support and love you have given my story by giving you this bonus chapter of the last chapter from Colton's point of view.

And just a warning guys, I laid it on thick with him, it is loaded with cheese because that's just who he is 😆 , And please proceed with CAUTION, because the amount of fluff in this chapter could rival a bucket load of cotton candy and give you a sweet tooth. This is genuinely Colton's personality (it's based on somebody I know in real life, with some exaggeration of course) I repeat, this WILL give you a toothache, please have your dentist on speed dial once you are done reading.

I hope you enjoy it, please don't forget to vote and comment on your thoughts. Once again, thank you for the endless support.



"You look like you're about to puke bro, you good?"

It was time. It was time, yet my heart threatened to beat out of my chest.

Call me a wimp but I was scared out of my mind to finally met the girl who has haunted my dreams, the girl who makes me think about her practically 24/7, the girl who has made my life worth living for again, the girl I haven't seen nor met in my entire life.

No pressure or anything.

Not that I would ever admit this to my brother though, I would never hear the end of it, Caleb would tease me relentlessly, "I'm fine" I said instead and discretely wiped a bead of sweat away by pretending to run a hand through my hair.

"Liar! Damn, you're so whipped and you haven't even met her yet" Caleb chuckled, I rolled my eyes at him, he is so annoying, more annoying than me and that is saying something. "Want some advice?"


"I'll give it to you anyway"

"You're annoying like that"

He ignored me, "Think of it this way if she turns out to be who she says she is then woo hoo to you and if she ends up as a fifty-year-old crazy cat lady using a voice manipulator than be glad that you dodged that bullet and then proceed to the police station to file a case of pedophilia."

"That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard come out of your stupid mouth Caleb, and you're pretty stupid." I facepalmed myself, shaking my head, sometimes I wondered if we were truly related but then I'd look at his face identical to mine and remembered that he had just lesser brain cells than I did. "It's no wonder why I'm the better twin"

He snorted, "Lies, all lies brother, but keep telling yourself that and you might just believe it"

"It is true and I do believe it. I'm awesome and you are not, so let's just stay in our lanes okay. I'll stay in lane awesome and you, lane loser with the ugly face"

"Whose being stupid now? We have the same face dumbass!"

"I'm prettier!"

"No, I am!"

"Ladies, you're both very pretty" A tiny sassy voice that belonged to my little sister said, cutting off our unnecessary squabble. Fights like this occur frequently and by frequently I mean every day and Hailee always manages to break them off even though she's only seven, she is more mature than both of us combined.

Her blue eyes stare at my outfit, which basically consisted of black jeans and a white fitted crew neck shirt, with my plain black blazer and paired it off with dark grey Timberland, my hair was quiffed up but with the way I was constantly running my hand through it, it was probably messed up and floppy. "Are you going somewhere Colly?"

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