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Aaliyah's P.O.V

I know you must be like 'what did she show her'  Well she showed me this BS 🙄




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xoxo.daya @baddie._.Aaliyah you ugly asf and no one like you 😂. The only reason you got hits in is because you jumped me 🙄so pull up after school tomorrow so I can beat dat ass hoe🤣. Oh and I saw you lookin at my man and its ok . I ain't mad , hes NOT a cheater btw . Have fun with Blessing's baby daddy 🤰🏾🤭 .

avani bitch touch her I dare you😡

 https.lucky you really fucked up in the head she was yo bestfriend . you a damn 🤡 

Jahkingguillory  Daya fuck is you doing 😑 why you gotta start problems , let it go 🙄

.Lightskin_Jamie. leave her alone and fuck out my business 🤨 @jahkingguillory get yo girl 


me ~ WTF , this must be what jahking was talking about PUSSY ASS BITCH COULDN'T EVEN SAY IT TO MY FACE 🤬

Lucky ~ CLAIM DOWN . the second bell rings in two minutes . get to class . Both of you . we handle this at lunch .

Avani & I~ FINE🙄

as I was on my was to class , mad as fuck . I turned the corner and saw jahking and that dirty bitch kissing 😳. this nigga just played me 🤦🏾‍♀️. Im not in the mood for this shit I just walked past them like they weren't there. till the ugly bitch spoke up.

Powers ~ oh hey scary bitch🤭

I stopped dead in my tracks . then twisted around . at this point who gives a fuck about class , imma be late no and , ifs , or buts.

me ~ who you callin a bitch ? oh and I see you covered up yo black eye😊

Powers ~ Stfu😠 she said stepping up to me like she wants me to whoop dat ass

me ~ Stop fucking stepping up to me cuz im really about to rock yo shit , AGAIN 

Powers ~ DO IT BITCH 

I lunged at her ass but before I touched her guillory grabbed me .

me ~ gtf off me guillory I said pushing him off me 

me ~ he saved you now , see you at lunch fuck after school ......... Bitch 😒

powers ~ bet hoe 😼

I walked to class not wanting to do anything but beat her ass up .


I was walking in the lunch room ready for whats about to go down the lucky rushes up to me 

Lucky ~ you better go get avani cuz shes about to fight Daydranna for you

me ~ where are they

Lucky ~ what do you mean ' where are they ' they the loudest people in here😑

me ~ girl don't give me attitude🤨  I said as if I were her mama😂

Lucky ~ im sorry , just please go get avani because we both know she don't take shit and daya damn well can't fight

me ~ ok

I walk over to them as avani is about to swing on daydreanna ( im still mad at her but imma use her first name for the time being )  I stepped in the way and grabbed her arm

me ~ Avani claim down this is my fight NOT yours . ok?

Avani ~😡

me ~ DO I MAKE MY SELF CLEAR got me out here sounding like a whole teacher dude

Avani ~ I understand but you better kill her ass

Daydranna ~ she not gonna kill shit  😂

me ~ come on bitch 

Daydranna ~ lets go

she unexpectedly lunged at me . with fast thinking I ducked making her ass fall on the ground looking stupid 😂 people started laughing .


me ~ no I fight fair . I'll let her get up

one thing about me is I only fight fairly . I mean I don't lose so theres no reason for me not to . she got up and charged at me like a damn animal . she pushed me with so much force I feel and she got on top of me . I rolled us over so I was on top . she scratched me on my face and that made me angry . instead of punching her in her face which I would usually do and she probably would have expected and most likely dodged . I punched her in her stomach making her scream in pain . I got up because I don't wanna hurt her she was my bestfriend and were fighting over what , talking shit ? this is dumb and we need to grow up . I got off her and she wouldn't get up . well she started screaming she couldn't get up.

Daydranna ~ I CAN'T GET UP 😨

me ~ shes fine 😒

I said that because I know when shes lying . she was tapping her pointer finger on thigh on her right side and she does that when she lies , she was fine just wanted attention 🙄 as always.

Ms.Campbell ~ Aaliyah my office Now😡

oh uhhh ............ did I mention my mom is the principal 😅

 me ~ ok....

I walked with my mom to her office and saw jahking walking Daydranna to the nurses office like something is really wrong with her .she glanced and smirked at me . I flipped Her off . we got in the office and I saw my brother playing with some stuff in the back then he came over to me and hugged me .

Ms.Campbell ~ you both are getting suspended , you know that correct  ? 🤨

me & Andrew ~ yes mom but for how long ?

Ms.Campbell ~ Andrew 1 month . you don't know how hard It was to convince the board to not expel you . do that again and I can't save you , you're lucky Jamie's family isn't pressing charges . And Aaliyah 1 week . I don't want daya around anymore I've seen the post I know this isn't your fault but I can't stop the supposition , thats the shortest I could get it . 

Me ~ ok Im fine with that 

Andrew ~ whatever It was worth It😎

me~ thanks Andrew I love you bro

Andrew ~ I love you two baby sis😁

Ms.Campbell ~ this would be cute If ya'll weren't getting suspended ,but you two still getting punished . Andrew you're on lock down for a week and Aaliyah you babysit you're sister this Friday ok ?

me & Andrew ~ Whatever 🙄

then you would never guessed the two people who walked in the office 😳 .


🤗1146 words🤗

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