7. "Just a break"

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Aurora was walking towards rehearsal with Evie when she saw Ej walk out, blood on his shirt. "Go after him" Evie sighed. "Ej? What happened?" she asks, jogging up after him. "Ask your brother" he muttered, walking into the bathroom. "Can I come in?" she asked. Ejs sighed, rolling his eyes but he looked around, no one was in there, "Fine."

"So what happened?" Aurora asked, walking inside wearily. "Ricky threw a basketball at my face" Ej glared. Aurora nodded, noticing the blood on his shirt. "Shirt" she said, making ej look at her strangely. "Take your shirt off" she explained. "god Rory, I know you missed me but-" he teased, Aurora just giving him a glare back. "Fine" he took his shirt off and handed it to her. The blonde restrained herself from looking and focussed on getting the blood from his shirt. "How are you so good at getting-" he stopped himself, Aurora looking up at him with a smirk. "You really want to finish that question?" she asks. "No, I really don't" "Good answer"

As Ricky walked in, Aurora looked at both boys. "Im going to go, i'd leave that to dry but should be all good" she smiled, before leaving, not wanting to get caught up in the drama. She jogged into the room, just about joining in with everyone singing stick to the staus quo, even evie who had adopted a role as a background dancer. She looked around at everyone, theatre really did become a family. 

Aurora then excused herself, walking back to the boys bathroom, and hearing the tail end of Ricky and Ejs conversation, Ej just told Ricky about the phone. "Ej!" she scolded, as he walked past her. "What do you want now?" he rolled his eyes. "You just told him about the phone!" she exclaims. Ej pauses for a second before coming up with something to make himself feel better. 

"He's not that smart, he wont connect the dots" He mutters, walking faster but Aurora kept up. "Thats my brother you're talking about!" she exclaims. "You and I both know he isn't the smartest, I mean he couldnt even say I lo-" he trails off, looking at her, realising what he had done. Aurora shook her head, ej really didn't think before he spoke. "You know what, why did I even bother? I try and I try but you never listen" she pushes past him yet again. 

Aurora got home and began looking through her photos of him and her. She had tonnes, their trip to Florida where they spent the summer on the beach, her first day at East High and she had him by her side, the many times they had danced in the rain, her birthdays, his birthdays the list went on, then she came across one from that day. He had taken probably only minutes before it happened, when she was close to tears and she buried herself into his chest. 

around a year ago 

Aurora and Ej lay on his bed. She had just forced him to watch boy meets world, her favourite tv show. Aurora had laughed through them all, except for moments which brought tears to her eyes. She cuddled into him, held his hand as he stroked the back of her hand with his thumb, Once the last episode they planned to watch had finished, the just lay there until Ej broke the comfortable silence.  

"You know what I love about you?" Ej asks, catching her off guard. "L..love?" she asked, slightly shocked. "Oh yeah" Ej went quiet for a second. "Remember all of those romcoms you made me watch?" he asks. "I do" she answered, her stomach full of butterflies. "I've noted how you know when you love someone, and I do Aurora, I love you" he smiled. Aurora froze. She took a breath. 

"Ej, we need to slow down" she started with, but it just seemed to annoy him. "Slow down?" he asked. "Y..yes, I..I think we should take a break" she told him. "I tell you I love and you you think we should take a break?" he asked, clearly saddened. "You're in junior year, colleges are looking at you, this is one of the most important years, i'm just in my sophomore year, we are still young, I just don't think it hurts to slow down" she explains. "If thats' what you want" he sighs, he really loved her, he didn't want to pressure her. He just hoped she'd come back. 

"I should go, my mom probably wants me home for dinner" she sighs, kissing his cheek. "I'll call you?" she smiles. standing up and grabbing her bag. "Yeah" he sighs, watching her walk away. 

"Aurora?" he called her back. "Yeah" she turned around with that small smile he loved so much. "Just a break?" he asked. "Just a break" she confirmed. 

Then it wasn't the same again. It soon became a breakup, when many girls at East High heard that one of the  golden couples had broken up, they were all over Ej, which knocked Auroras self confidence. She felt like she didn't deserve him anymore, and that he was too good for her, so it became a break up. And it wasn't the same again, until they started the musical and their relationship was slowly rebuilding. 

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