25. even if the whole world was watching

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Aurora was packing up her things, in the room alone, when she heard footsteps behind her. "Hey" Ej startled her. "Ej, god, hey" she clutched her chest. "Sorry" he smiled. "It's okay" she smiled back, zipping up her bag. "I was just coming to see if you were okay, considering the whole your mom and Todd thing" he told her. "Oh yeah, well I guess I have to go and meet him soon, but i'm all good" She shrugged, smiling and looking into his eyes. "That's good, but give him a chance okay? he might be nice, you never know." they started into each others eyes for a little while, until Ashlyn popped her head into the room. "Ej, your mom wants pictures soon" She told them, before disappearing. "I..I should go" he mumbled, tearing his eyes away from hers, and he left.

Aurora played with her hands, wanting to say it but she didnt know if she should. As he stepped out of the door, she decided. "I'm done." she called, making him turn back around. He gave her a look, but she wasn't done with what she wanted to tell him.

 "I'm does with the break. I wish I never suggested it. I wish I had the confidence to stay with you. I wish I said it back because I do love you. I've loved you ever since we first sat on my couch and discussed High school musical and practically predicted that we would do a production of High school musical. Actually it was earlier, way earlier. I've loved you ever since I fell over at recess and you helped me feel better and made me smile. I've loved you ever since I was cold one day after school in 6th grade so you gave me your jumper but then I fell in the mud and you didn't get annoyed that i'd ruined it you said-" she spoke from the heart. "It didn't matter, I wanted an excuse to get a new one anyways, I was growing out of it, I remember" Ej told her, he did. He remembered all of his memories with her.

"One thing I didn't outgrow was you. I kicked myself everyday for saying we were moving too fast and I wish, I wish so much that I had said it back, because I do love you, I really do. And i'm not sure what happens when we walk out of these doors in five minutes and the show and our showmance if over. I don't know if we are going to talk without a musical going on but I know that I am done with a break. I want to be able to hug and kiss you like I used to do. I want to be able to call you mine and I want to have movies nights with you like the old times. And I don't know if you feel the same hut I needed to tell you that i'm done with pretending that I don't love you" She finished, slightly breathless. Ej just looks at her, his eyes filled with love. She had just spilled her heart out to him, and he was just staying silent.

"In musicals they always burst into song when they have nothing else to say, but I always thought it was easier to just kiss" he smiles, walking over to her. "Yeah?" she smirks. "Always" he grins, before pressing his lips to hers. They both felt happier than they had felt in a whole year. They had the love of their lives back, and they couldn't be happier. Once they pulled away, Ej pecked her lips again before Aurora realised. "Wait" she grinned, pulling out her phone. "What?" Ej smiled, confused. Aurora clicked around before sliding her phone back into her pocket. "Check your phone" she grinned, and on cue, the message had sent. Ej felt a buzz and pulled out his phone and sure enough he had a message from, Rory ❤️👑✨.

It was a video, so he clicked onto it. It was a simple video, just of Aurora singing and playing the guitar.

"Waking up to kiss you and nobody's there

The smell of your cologne still stuck in the air
It's hard
Yesterday I thought I saw your shadow running round
It's funny how things never change in this old town
So far from the stars

And I want to tell you everything
The words I never got to say the first time around
And I remember everything
From when we were the children playing in the playground
Wish I was there with you now

If the whole world was watching I'd still dance with you

Drive highways and byways to be there with you
Over and over the only truth
Everything comes back to you

I saw that you moved on with someone new

In the cafeteria shes got her arms around you

It's so hard
So hard

And I want to tell you everything
The words I never got to say the first time around

And I remember everything

From when we were the children playing in the playground
Wish I was there with you now

 If the whole world was watching I'd still dance with you
Drive highways and byways to be there with you
Over and over the only truth
Everything comes back to you

You still make me nervous when you walk in the room

Them butterflies they come alive when I'm next to you
Over and over the only truth
Everything comes back to you

And I know that it's wrong
That I can't move on
But there's something about you

 If the whole world was watching I'd still dance with you

Drive highways and byways to be there with you
Over and over the only truth
Everything comes back to you
You still make me nervous when you walk in the room
Them butterflies they come alive when I'm next to you
Over and over the only truth
Everything comes back to you
Everything comes back to you"

Aurora sang on the video, during a short instrumental, she had added a photo montage, her favourite photos of them. Ej watched, smiling that she had written him a song.

[I changed a couple of words, but listen to this for the full effect <3]

"You wrote me a song" he smiled. "I've written you many songs, I actually wrote this a while ago" she told him. "Yeah but that one was-" He leaned in and kissed her again. "Thank you" he smiled onto her lips. As they pulled away he played with his phone in his hands. "Does this mean you'll be my girlfriend again?" He asked, nervously. "I thought you'd never ask" she grinned, pecking his lips as Ash appears in the doorway. "That's why" she muttered, now knowing why he wasn't coming. "Coming now ash" ej called. "I just need to grab my things and i'll come find you" Aurora grinned.

Ej went to walk away but he turns back. "Does this mean you're doing the next musical with me?" he asked. Aurora nodded, smiling at him,

"Even if the whole world was watching"

And so, it comes to an end. I have loved every minute of writing this and I hope you enjoyed it. I wrote this over the span over four maybe five days which shows how much I adored writing it. As always, let me know your thoughts, favourite characters, moments, anything really. If you made it to the end and actually wanted to read this, then thank you and I appreciate you more than you know. There may be a sequel, or a story following the same events but with Evie as the main character and maybe her getting her own love interest, but i'm not too sure yet. As always, thank you for reading <3

even if the whole world was watchingTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon