18. "oh my gosh"

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Aurora walked into the theatre, evie at her side, and was met with something she didn't want to see. She looked around at everyone else, but they all showed the same expression as her, confusion, concern, and fear. "Oh my gosh" she let out, not talking to anyone in particular.

"What happened?" nini asks, everyone else wanting to know the same thing. Miss Jenn approaches them, Aurora glad as hopefully her teacher had answers. "It's okay, nobody was hurt, there was a small fire in the theatre over the holiday, and the sprinklers did their job" Miss Jenn sighs. Aurora looked around, all of her memories from in this room, from the first ever read through where her head spent most of the time on her desk, or ejs hand if we are being specific, to the time where evie fell onto Aurora who fell onto ej who fell onto the floor during the practice for the curtain call, it was all amazing. All of their hardwork could come down to nothing, they had saved their show once, could they save it again?

"Unfortunately the show cannot go on" the fire lady told them, pulling Aurora from her reminiscence. She sighed, it wasn't looking good for their show. "Fire ripped through half your costumes and the sprinklers ruined a bunch of your sets i'm sorry but you're gonna have to red tag the entire back stage area for at least a month"

"Okay listen up!" Miss Jenn calls, seeing the disjointed and deflated looks on her students faces. "Hug your neighbour, take a moment and lets reconvene in the cafeteria after school to talk about options" She says. Aurora looked around, Evie putting an arm around her, they shared a look which said something without speaking, they needed to save this show.

After school, Aurora and Evie walked to the cafeteria. "We're going to save it" Evie told her friend confidently. "How can you be so sure?" Aurora asked. "It's Miss Jenn, she'll fix it right?" Evie asks, her confidence wavering. "We saved it once Eve, how can we save it again?" Aurora had lost all hope, she was now just preparing herself for Miss Jenn to tell her it was over. "We can hope?" Evie answers, "After all, Hope is my middle name." "The fact that that is actually true amuses me"

Aurora found herself sat with ej. "You okay?" he asked her, noticing that she was quiet. "I mean" she sighed, turning to face him, "Our show is over." Ej gave her a look. "Listen, we don't know that yet, so think happy, don't burn-" he started with a positive rant but Aurora cut him off. "You sure that's the right word to use?" she asked. "Okay fine, don't knock down the optimism" he finishes. Then Miss Jenn walked in, a not so great expression on her face. "Don't need to, here comes the bulldozer" Aurora sighed. "Don't call her a bulldozer" Ej replied. "What else would you like me to call her then?" Aurora replied. "A human" "Right."

"Okay guys!" Miss Jenn claps her hands. "Wait, where's gina?" she asks, once she had a look around at her students. "I think She's going through some family things right now" Ashlyn answers her. "Okay, prayers to our gina, i'm not really sure what to say, You all worked so hard and I've seen you grow so much. But if we don't have a theatre, we don't have a show" Miss Jenn sighs. Everyone tried to protest, they didnt' want this to be the end.

"I guess we could consider other venues?" Miss Jenn didn't seem so sure, but she wanted to try. "Not a bulldozer" Ej muttered into Auroras ear. "Shut up" the blonde rolled her eyes. "What about the old Kingston down town?" Ash suggested. "It's condemned" Miss Jenn answers simply. "See, bulldozer" Aurora muttered, she had basically lost all hope. "The Lucky ducky puppet pavilion?" Ej suggests, ignoring Auroras comment. "It's a massive star bucks now" Miss Jenn told him. "How 'bout the el ray?" Carlos suggests. Miss Jenn has a strange reaction, but everyone seemed so on board. Carlos spoke to his uncle on the phone, in Spanish which Aurora didn't understand. All she could understand was Sí, which she knew was yes. "The el ray theatre it is!" Miss Jenn announced. Ej turned to Aurora with a smirk. "Where's the bulldozer know?" he asks. "Probably ready to knock down the el ray so we can't to do the show" she replied, smiling though as they had hope for their show.

"This is so strange" Ej states, as he picks up a box, as does Aurora. "The box? Looks pretty normal to me" Aurora shrugs. "No, this whole situation" Ej replied, rolling his eyes playfully. "I know what you mean't" she giggled, as they walked down the corridor. "It's kind of fun though" she stated, "It's like a strange weird adventure. " They walked down, until Carlos approached them, his eyes widening when he saw what was in Ejs hands.

"Oh hey maybe I should carry that" he told ej. "Why?" Ej just gave him a strange look. "No reason" Carlos answered, clearly lying. "No i'm fine to carry it" Ej went to walk away, but Carlos was determined to carry it. 

"It's just a little bit sensitive!" He exclaimed. "Carlos, darling, we aren't talking about me or you" Aurora told him, placing a hand on his shoulder. He gave her a look to show he wasn't amused, whilst ej sniggered slightly. 

"It's miss jenns show file, script breakdowns, set sketches, and all of her audition notes" Carlos told the pair. Ejs eyes seemed to light uop. "You mean this says which which people,e got which parts?" ej asked. Aurora sighed. "No further comment thank you" Carlos snatched it from his hands and walked away quickly, making Aurora chuckle.

"Don't you even think about it" Aurora warned him. "What?" Ej asked innocently. "You know what" she replied, walking away with a knowing look. Ej nodded, though he wasn't planning on listening to her.

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