Chapter 15: Never Enough.

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A/N: I'm the worst for not updating, please don't hate me... I've been really focused on Cherry because it grew so much in the past month or so and readers can be demanding sometimes haha... I know I've got a lot of new readers on here so Hello to you! Thank you all for reading, and waiting for my updates... This story will be coming to an end sometimes soon though, and I'm excited, yet sad for the ending... So prepare... You've got a good few chapters left though so not anytime soon, just preparing you!

Either way, enjoy!!!



"Lips so good I forget my name... I swear I could give you everything.." I bounce Grace on my hip, and keep looking over to Grey who is sat in his high chair eating a small snack.

    "I don't need my love, you can take it, you can take it talk it. I don't need my heart, you can break it, break it..." I sing to Grace, and she laughs out as I cook dinner in front of me.

    "Why are you filling her head with this music?" I turn to see Harry walking in, setting his keys down.

    "Turn it off, see what happens." I challenge him with a smile, and he thins his eyes at me, moving to my phone on the kitchen counter. He presses the pause button, and Grace's face quickly scrunches up, that sassy personality of hers coming straight out as she starts to get upset. "Told you so..." I raise an eyebrow, and turn back to the pot in front of me.

    "What about this, it's the same kind off.." He turns on Canyon Moon, and she continues to cry.

    "Your child loves One Direction, just accept it bub." I laugh, and he goes back to the playlist, One Direction playing over the speaker.

    "Little bug loves to hear me sing doesn't she?" He comes over to Grace, and I smile as he takes her tiny hand between his fingers. "That's my girl.." He kisses the top of her head, and then my cheek, moving to where Grey is sat in his high chair. He sits next to him, almost as if he's keeping him company and I laugh.

    "Speaking of One Direction, how did it go today?" I ask, and he nods quickly.

    "It went really, really well actually." He tells me, and I smile.

    "All four of them showed up? No one bailed?" I ask, and he nods.

    "All four of them showed up." He adds to it. "Ni wanted to visit at some point as well. He's the only one of us who doesn't have a kid now which is not how I thought that would play out." He laughs, and I shrug, having not known or met any of the boys. "They all want to meet you too." He tells me, and for some reason the thought makes me nervous.

    "Oh.. Really?" I ask, turning the stove off, and then walking to him to pass Grace. He takes her in his hands, and I walk back to the stove, actually preparing the food now.

    "Well of course. They said they'd been keeping up with us through friends, and they've seen your work too." He tells me, and I jump.

    "Speaking of! I have everything done for the first launch of Sunnies." I tell him, and he makes a shocked face to Grace. Getting an adorable laughter from her lips... God I love it when she laughs. I named it Sunnies for that exact reason, Harry continually calls the kids his sunnies, and I thought it fit perfectly.

    "Look at us, being adults... Are you proud little bug?" He speaks to Grace, but she doesn't give any type of response so he turns over his shoulder. "What about you little man?" He asks Grey, and he bounces, moving his arms, making a mess per usual. "That's right, mummy is being a badass, yes she is." He speaks to his son, and I throw a dish towel at him."Hey!" He yells back to me, and removes it, setting it on the counter.

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