3 | Welcome to Mel's

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Chapter Three: Welcome to Mel's

"i'm so sick of love songs, so tired of tears
so done with wishin', you were still here said
I'm so sick of love songs, so sad and slow
so why can't I turn off the radio?"
~ neyo


When Friday came, I physically could not wait to go to work. Not because I was a workaholic, but because I desperately needed to do something to keep my mind off my life.

For the last two days, I'd been overly spray painting, but I've tried to avoid doing it... well, illegally. Like Xavier hinted at, I preferred not to end up in the back of a police car again.

It was around noon when I stepped outside on the front lawn, spreading out several newspapers so the leftover paint wouldn't get on the grass. Once it was laid flat, I placed the canvas in the middle, using random objects I found around the house to keep the corners down.

I was thirty minutes into spray painting what a cop car pulled up in front of the house. At first, I didn't think much of it, probably thinking that it was just waiting around for something to happen.

But then ten minutes went by. Then an extra thirty minutes.

Since the windows were tinted, I couldn't see who was behind the wheel. Anxiousness began to grow in my chest so I stood up from the grass before jogging inside the bungalow. "Chris?" I called out, standing next to the front door. "If you did something illegal, I suggest you run now!"

He stepped out of his room a second later, chest completely bare as he only dressed in shorts. He had a day off today and had been spending all his time in his room, although I knew he wasn't sleeping.

Which was also why I wasn't in the house. Until now, at least.

"What the fuck are you talking about?" He asked, slightly freaked out.

Instead of panicking about the cop car, I chose to find amusement in his worry. "What did you do?" I said, drawling out each word.

He laughed awkwardly now, scratching the back of his neck before stepping closer toward me. I continued to arch my brow at him as he looked over my shoulder, staring at the idling car. "Oh, you definitely did something," I teased, laughing.

His eyes narrowed on me suddenly. "Listen, she threw herself at me. Just because I rejected her doesn't mean she should get her precious daddy involved."

"Now I'm really interested," I snorted, crossing my arms while he still stared at the cop car.

"Ella. I went out last weekend and she got fucking plastered, Mon," he rushed out, staring at me with wide eyes. "She got real fucking offended that I turned her down. I knew she'd eventually bring her dad involved," he explained, reminding me how Ella's father was the sheriff.

Before I could say anything, he stormed passed me, jogging down the few stairs before knocking on the cop car. "Chris," I hissed, jogging after him. "Are you crazy? You don't knock on a damn cop-"

I stopped when I heard the door crack open, only to reveal an exhausted Xavier. "Bro, what the fuck?" I yelled with frustration as I stomped around the car so I was standing across from him. "You scared the crap out of me."

Xavier smiled warily. "I was on the phone with my partner," he admitted, looking guilty. "Sorry for worrying you."

My brows furrowed, confused with his attitude. "What's going on?" I asked hesitantly, feeling Chris slip into the empty space on my side.

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