/5/ blood...

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I woke up due to my head pounding and hurting like hell, as my eyes opened I saw that I was in an unfamiliar room

I felt soft fabric beneath me telling me that I was on a bed...

the room was huge and the walls were white as snow...

 there were a few windows but the room looked like it belonged to a queen, for a good minute my eyes wandered around the beautiful room but stopped when I felt a sting in my neck, immediately my eyes widen as I remembered what happened, my breathing started to go faster as my hand touched to wound, so it wasn't a dream...

I gulped as the pain in my neck got worse, I had to get out of here, what if I was kidnapped? and what happened to Mr Jeon? 

I sat up, ignoring the stinging pain in my head and neck, and attempted to stand up, but the pain in my head was so strong that I instantly held my head, dammit... 

suddenly the door opened revealing a well-built figure, he was somehow familiar even tho I couldn't see his face because it was dark outside, but I instantly recognized him when he stepped in the light.

Mr Jeon

a feeling of relief washed over my body as my eyes met his, even tho I just met him, I somehow felt safe with him, it is hard to explain...

I smiled at him but the cold glare that he gave back made me drop it. 

he walks towards me and stood in front of me with his hands in his pockets, I looked at him and asked

  ¨ w-where am I? ¨

 he looked at me with a gaze that could kill, damn this man...

 ¨ my house ¨ 

I looked down as I  fiddled with my hands, too afraid to lookup

¨ thank you ¨

I mumbled but still said it loud enough so he could hear it

¨ don't thank me ¨ 

he said as I looked up and met his dark eyes, the look in his eyes was dark but his gaze only darkend once he eyed my neck. 


¨ M-Mr jeon? ¨ I asked slightly scared, he just walked closer and touched my wound, I realized that I must have ripped it open again because I felt some liquid slowly stream down, I looked at him as he bent down towards my neck, I felt my breath hitch when his face was coming closer to my neck, I gulped. I could feel his breath on my neck, I would lie if I said I wasn't low-key terrified. 

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