/40/ pain...

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¨ Mr, Jeon they found her location! ¨


Sam P.O.V


I was woken up by the feeling of cold liquid being thrown at me, even tho I was in agonizing  pain, I still managed to gasp for air, 

the liquid slowly drenched my clothes as the pain in my wounds was activated the moment it touched my skin, a shivered gasp left my lips as my eyes slowly tried to open themselves, but luck wasn't by my side as they kept on closing, finally accepting that maybe this time I couldn't be strong, I kept them closed as I still tried to breathe, everything hurts, almost unbearable 

¨ well well, sleeping beauty is finally awake! ¨ 

a sickening voice said as a defeated chuckle left my lips, I was slightly smiling but my expression held pure pain, I always dreamed of my life to be like a fairy tale, a handsome prince loving me and nothing bad in the world could stop it,

but I guess the bad in this world is indeed enough to stop it, it's strange to think that this week might be my last or at least the week I entered hell

first I was scared of Jungkook and the fact that he was a vampire and that he could kill me any second, and now all I wanted to do is jump into his arms and cry

it wasn't sadness I was feeling, I was feeling empty like someone ripped al my emotions out of me, it felt strange, giving up, but what else could I do, I can't escape, I don't know if someone is looking for me, I am weak, I can't even walk, but although part of me is giving up, the other part has a strong desire to fight these b*tches

¨ enough with the whining, get your ass up, we have a customer! ¨

the pricing voice yelled before harshly untying me

the pain in my wrist was unbearable, it felt like my wrists were cut off! but soon the pain transferred to my hair as I felt Kai harshly grab it

¨ I said, get you ass up! ¨

he said as he forced me to stand on my bruised and wounded legs, my legs were shaking as I tried to stand, although the pain was still there I kept a straight face as we slowly made our way out of the dirty blood smelling room

Kai dragged me along the dark hallways as a strong scent of wood and metal filled up my nose, I bet I looked like crap

eyes sunken in and big bags under them, bruises covered my body almost looking fake at how many I had

slowly he pushed a door open before throwing me inside

my eyes widen at the sight, there were clothes EVERYWHERE, but nut a nice jean and a shirt, no, lingerie and very very short clothes, it looked like the closet of a prostitute...

Cold-hearted | Jungkook | ✓Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя