/24/ Christmas

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¨I-I am so s-sorry, please forgive me...¨

and at that moment I knew how much he regretted his actions...

after some minutes he had calmed down a bit, I heard him sigh before he placed his soft lips on my forehead giving it a quick peck, I felt my cheeks burn in shyness before his words made it even worse!

¨sweet dreams, My little Princess¨


Sam P.O.V


that whole night I was awake, The thoughts of Jungkook didn't leave my mind...

I think I have fallen for him... and I have fallen for him... hard, he was all I could think about ever since the first time I saw him in the cafe, ever since we first met I have been experiencing these weird feelings, my stomach will get all tingly when I am near him... and I get really shy without a reason...

but I am so scared that Jungkook is just gonna toy with me and throw me away when he is bored, I know how crazy I sound

why would you fall for him? he kidnapped you...

why would you fall for a dangerous vampire?

well, to be honest, I don't have an answer for that, I just know that I have probably liked him since the first day I met him...

yes, he drinks my blood, but he doesn't torture me nor did he harm me...

even tho he said some horrible things in a stressful situation, he apologized and for the first time admitted he was wrong...

that night gave me a different perspective of Jungkook, he is not a bad person, he has feelings too, and he may even be caring...

if I think about it, Jungkook has been very nice and sweet, he let me go outside even after I tried to ¨escape¨ he has even protected me when Jimin came and again when that guy kai came...

I think he may look cold but behind that lair of ice is a warm heart...

¨urg¨ I sighed annoyed by myself and my feelings, but that is when I looked outside and saw the sun starting to rise...

today it was Christmas

the day everyone loves, were children are showered in presents and food... where parents are going wasted because of the alcohol

my whole childhood I thought about this magical event that every kid was talking about

they would say how much presents their parents would give and how much hugs and kisses they would receive

it made me sad knowing that il never have that, nobody gave a shit about me till I met Li baozhai, I would always say that I hated presents and that I would rather work at the cafe with her on Christmas then sit all lonely at home, I was always avoiding this holiday, but somehow I hoped that today would be different, I hope that I can spend today with Jungkook, even tho he probably doesn't give a shit about this holiday or me...

I just want to spend today with someone that I like...

I sighed sadly before standing up and sitting by my infamous place by the window...

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