/17/ lies...

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I was so into the book that I didn't notice a figure standing behind to me

¨ what are you doing¨



I quickly hid the book behind me before slowly turning around meeting the eyes of a now angry Jungkook, I awkwardly smiled 

¨oh, h-hi jungkook¨

 I said while trying not to make him even madder.

¨Sam, what. were. you. doing¨ 

he said with a stern voice, I let out a sigh

¨I-I was just walking around when I found this library ¨ 

he looked at me with suspicious eyes before chuckling.

¨ cut the bullshit and stop with the lies, who helped you in here¨ he said making me furrow my eyebrows, huh?, what does he mean? 

¨huh? what? I am not lying¨ i said out loud, now it was his turn to be confused, he looked at me before his eyes turned big.

¨ n-nevermind, just get out of here and go to your room ¨ he said while scratching his neck, I tilted my head in confusion.

¨bu-¨ I tried but was cut off by the stern voice of Jungkook


I sighed before nodding as I hurried out of the room

I walked to my room and sat on my bed

Why was that book so strange?....


Jungkook P.O.V


as she walked away I let out the breath that I was holding, I was not in a good mood, Jimin has been awfully quiet these last days, because of that I have been taking a lot of my anger out on sam and the fact that I am starving for her blood doesn't make it better

and now

she has found the library

you may be thinking, what's wrong with that? 

well, its the fact that humans cant enter the library!

Cold-hearted | Jungkook | ✓Where stories live. Discover now