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The blood of the first love

The blood of the true love

The blood of the lost love

That's what Freya needed. So far her only luck had been holding onto a small vial of blood she had leftover from Camille before she fled town, which was presumed to be the lost love.

The powerful witch already knew Aurora was Klaus's first true love, all she had to do was get it. The real trouble for Freya would be figuring out who the hybrid's true love was.

That was until she heard about Caroline Forbes, the one that got away.

It was Freya's only shot at breaking the prophecy, so the blonde witch took the first bus to Mystic Falls.


Caroline sat at The Grill drowning her sorrows in cheap bourbon and even cheaper food. Her mom was gone, and she was never coming back.

The vampire knew her only chance to survive was to leave Mystic Falls, go far away from the town that caused nothing but pain. But something inside already knew Elena and Bonnie wouldn't let her.

The bell above the door let out a whistle and Caroline turned her head to be met with a short blonde-haired woman who was fast approaching the vampire.

"Hello Caroline. We need to talk." The woman said, her light eyes burning into Caroline's with a hard intensity.

"How do you know my name?" Caroline asked, following the mysterious woman outside.

"I'm Freya Mikaelson and your sire line is in danger."

"There's ANOTHER Mikaelson!" Caroline felt drained and definitely not in the mood to fight.

"I'll explain everything soon but I need you to come with me."

That's when it hit her. This was her excuse. She could leave mystic falls and go to New Orleans.

"Let's go then."

This first chapter was rushed but honestly I loved this idea and wanted to get Caroline to New Orleans quickly.  The others will be longer it's a prologue of sorts.

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