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"Mission Accomplished!" Caroline's sing-song voice came calling out as she pitter-pattered into the compound, practically skipping with delight at her job well done. The blonde bombshell had actually managed to trick a thousand-year-old vampire. The only thing that could even come close to spoiling her good mood was if Klaus and Stefan hadn't succeded in there task to retrieve aurora's blood. 

Something about the fact that aurora's blood was important for the spell made Caroline's own blood boil to the brink. She didn't know why she felt this urge of jealously that the ginger was Klaus's, first love. Realistically why should Caroline care? But then again maybe it was just that cloud of insecurity that always seemed to follow caroline wherever she went. A feeling the girl was used to, one that caroline had felt deep into her bone marrow since the day she arrived at New Orleans. 

Maybe what was really irking her was this Camille figure. Why had she meant so much to Klaus that aurora felt necessary to get rid of? Klaus had promised caroline he would wait, but was that frail promise really so trivial that he forgot? Then again how could a baby vampire possibly believe the Niklaus Mikaelson would ever wait for her, especially when apparently the man was a hot commodity. Caroline was simply a challenge for him. And she could never forget that. 

Besides Caroline abhorred Klaus. He had kidnapped her not once, but twice. He tried to sacrifice her! He was a humanless monster who killed everyone and everything that got in his way. The original had bitten her several times, which brought an unbearable agony upon her. Nik had daggered his siblings for centuries, all for simply wanting lives of their own. He was a paranoid beast with zero morals.

But then there was a vulnerable side to Niklaus, a side only she and Stefan had seen. A side to Klaus that Caroline couldn't help but fall for.How absolutely smitten he got around Hope, his 3-year-old toddler. Or the gentle touches he would bestow against caroline whenever they had an especially affectionate moment. How his eyes softened tenfold around the blonde vampire, the dark azure turning into a cloudless sky. Klaus's unbearable flirtation that seemed all the more fortuitous as the days went on.

Yes, there was a good side to The Great Niklaus Mikaelson. A side Caroline Forbes couldn't help but fall hopeless for. Though the feelings would never be spoken aloud, she wouldn't dare risk letting the original win the battle for her heart. Even if Klaus already had. Caroline couldn't jeopardize the relationship they were cultivating. 

The blonde shook her head roughly, the words clearing from her mind and her blue eyes focusing solely against the people in front of her. Hayley was watching hope, who seemed to babble on as she played with a small toy knight, Freya was fiddling with three vials of blood, her eyes glued to a grimoire, Rebekah was talking to Kol (presumably lecturing him about a stupid thing the man did to Davina), Elijah was nowhere to be found, but Stefan and Klaus seemed safe a sound, besides a few splatters of plasma residue that still occupied on their shirts.

"Then we have everything we need, well besides a few herbs but Caroline and I can go get that in no time." Freya nodded towards her brother Klaus, who seemed to be silently asking for a minute alone with Caroline.

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