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Caroline was the most embarrassed she'd been in years. She had just given herself to Klaus and what did the hybrid do in return? Run. Stefan had gone out, presumably to talk to the idiot crossbreed, leaving Caroline alone with Hayley, and Freya, neither of whom she could admit her feelings for Klaus too. Well, that was what usually would apply, but right now Caroline needed to vent, it didn't matter who to.

"I think I'm in love with Klaus," Caroline deadpanned quickly, burying her profile in the base of her hands. Hayley and Freya's eyes quickly shot over to the girl, eyeing her with a look that translated to 'Are you fucking crazy'

"What?" Freya was the first to speak, sputtering her words out, "I thought you hated him!"

"It sure seemed like that!" Hayley synchronized, nodding her head roughly. 

At this point, Rebekah had woken up and was swiftly making way into the Living room, hands crossed with an annoyed face cemented over the features, "Are you two bloody idiots?" 

"what do you mean?" Freya interjected, watching as Rebekah sat across from them and kicked her feet onto the wooden coffee table, a bored expression clearly written across her body language.

Rebekah had suspected her brother and caroline shared mutual feelings for weeks by this point. The shared glances were one thing but the borderline obsessiveness of Klaus's paintings of Caroline was also an absolute give away. Now with this declaration of love, the blonde was positive.

"Oh please, Klaus has been totally in love with you since the day you arrived. From the drawings to the stares, even the bloody jealous remarks he makes! It was painfully obvious you had my brother wrapped around your finger!" Rebekah sounded exasperated, upset she had to watch the couple make countless mistakes when they had the real possibility of being the other soulmate.

"Well, he isn't anymore, last night we slept together," Caroline paused for the others to gasp, "But this morning he just left me alone. I was an idiot for thinking it was any more than a chase int he first place," The blonde dug her head further into her hands.

"Look, Caroline, "Hayley started, her features softening as this sounded more and more like her situation with Elijah, "Klaus always runs, when he found out I was pregnant he ran and when he found out you might actually reciprocate his feelings, the idiot ran."

"Yeah seriously Care, he's probably scared you thought it was a mistake, or just confused. But once you two talk it will all work out."

Caroline knew they were right, so she nodded, stood up, and ran towards the only place she knew he would be. His studio.

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