Chapter 40

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Hayden POV

I actually thought my eyes were deceiving me and I was seeing black and white. But nope, that was just the natural depressed essence coming from this place. Vines grew all along the walls and climbed into the windows, breaking apart the concrete. The paint was faded and peeling, obviously no one touched this building in a really long time, or they just didn't care. It looked abandoned, but the screams I was hearing told me that it was far from abandoned.

This place looks like a building right out of American Horror Story. Hopefully Tate doesn't show up and try to burn everything to the groun-

You know what, I take it back. Tate where are you?

We waited in the car for a while before Immanuel came out the building. He walked straight to the car as mad as can be, I guess his wife must've really told him something he didn't like.

Perhaps she told him she's gay?

He flung open the door, I was startled at first but that's because his wrinkled and oily face was the first thing I laid eyes on this morning.

Skin care who?

"Get your stuff and get in a line, we're heading in" he ordered

So we did as we were told, what was the point in resisting? His security guards were smoking outside, the heel of their boots mashed against the cigars and grinded it into dust on the concrete. They were high and ready to find a source of adrenaline, us running away made no sense.

We'd be hunted down like wolves and cut open. But then again, anything's better than being in this place. I hope roaches don't crawl on my skin when I try to sleep at night.

Well... If we're even gonna sleep tonight.

The girl's and I gathered our things and started to drag the suitcase towards the building. Immanuel pushed open the doors of hell

I mean... the building

The details of it got more clear, this place didn't looked as if its been abandoned for centuries, but it still like a death trap, why was no one questioning this? A broken chandelier hung in the middle of the hall, basically a death trap waiting to happen

Oh my God, did Immanuel bring us here to shoot our brains out in an abandoned place where no one could find evidence?

I was expecting the interior to be more rugged than outside, but it was actually decent. Red carpet lined the entire floor, the walls were hung with ancient paintings of our Lord and Saviour, We walked up a wide stairway that leaded to what I think was the office where we were greeted by-

 Red carpet lined the entire floor, the walls were hung with ancient paintings of our Lord and Saviour, We walked up a wide stairway that leaded to what I think was the office where we were greeted by-

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She looked just as stuck up as Immanuel except he looked like something was actually stuck up his ass, she sat in her chair with her hair in a very tight bun, a red top with a black blazer over it.

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