Chapter 44

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Alexis's Pov


After talking to Mr. Musk last night I was determined to find Hayden, who knows what ventilators they might have her on, or if they had strapped her down to a chair and forced her to watch Tony Lopez tik toks just to turn her straight.


"Y'all the fuck up or I'll stick a mop up your assess" I yelled to the dumbasses in the room

"You do realize we're all awake right? We're literally staring at you" Jade said

"Shhh, don't yell. I'm sensitive" I pouted

"Okay, so what's the plan?" Abeke yawned.

"First we need to get a floor plan of this place, so we can know where we're going and where we should check" I answered.

"And where are we going to get something like that?" Jade snapped

"Well if TV Shows have thought me anything, it should be in the office" I glared at her

"You're not serious, right?" Jade questioned.

"Do you have a better idea?" I asked. But she remained silent like the flustered bottom she was

"Well okay then" I looked at Cameron.

"Well how are we going to get it, someone will have to get into trouble just to get into the office" Jade chucked.

"You're absolutely right sir-"
A/N anime bitches, I look at her tittiesss

"I'll do it" Cameron stood up.


Cameron's Pov


Sitting in class mentally preparing myself for what I was about to do, some James Bond shit to scale the building and break into the office window with a laser that cuts glass, retrieve the blueprints and meet back at home base.

Yeah I've watched too much action films growing up

The professor got up to start writing on the white board. I glanced at Alexis and she nodded at me, well here goes nothing.

I took the gum I was chewing -well I hope it was gum- and I threw it at his head, it got stuck in his hair. The students in the class couldn't control themselves.

"Excuse me sir, I think you have a little something in your hair" Alexis smirked.

His hand reached around his almost bald scalp, feeling through the few strands of hair he had left to find whatever it was that Alexis was talking about. Fortunately for us, his fingers shoved the gum deeper into the hair he had remaining. The class then went crazy with laughter, he then kept trying and trying to get it out.

That's when an idea came to my head. I got out of my seat and walked up to him with a scissors and I cut it clean out his head, along with a lot of his hair. He may have another bald spot in his head now.

"You're welcome sir" I looked him dead in the face and then I went back to my seat. He was speechless, he just left to go to the office I assumed. Well this is it, I hope we're right. he came back to the class a little while after.

"Madame Theressa wants to see you, you'll be escorted by the guards" He said smugly pointing to the door.

Two talked guards stood by the doorframe, their thick muscular arms hooked across their chests and their narrowed eyes burnt a dissapointed look to me

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