Chapter 24: I Miss The Mornings With You Laying In My Bed...

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Camila's POV:

After lunch- Lauren, Sofi and I drove back to Lauren's apartment... From watching movies, to ordering pizza, to playing games- Lauren made sure that the rest night was perfect for Sofi... Her and Lauren had spent most of the night together- from laughing, to giggling, to messing about- they began to form a really special bond... 

Sofi had been the happiest I had seen her in such a long time- and that was all because of Lauren. I hadn't ever expected Lauren to be so good with kids... From planning the perfect day- to finishing it with the perfect night- Lauren had loved and cared for Sofi more than most people were capable of...

Eventually, Sofi had fallen asleep across Laurens lap- Lauren stoking her hair gently as her breathing slowed... becoming more and more regular... 

"Do you want me to take her upstairs?" I whispered,

"I can take her..." Lauren said, picking Sofi up gently... 

She placed one arm around her back and the other arm around the bend in her knees- lifting her from the sofa and taking her up the stairs... 

She took her up to the guest room- opening the door quietly before stepping into the room... The guest room had Its walls and ceilings painted white- the floor covered in a light grey carpet... There were light wooden bookshelves aligning the back wall- full to the brim with books... 

Lauren had more books than I could count... From classics like To kill a mockingbird, to horrors like Stephen King's IT... The shelves almost heaved under the weight of the old volumes...

Pressed up against the right wall there was a large double bed- made neatly with white sheets. A large mirror was positioned on the wall opposite and small plant pots were situated randomly around the room. There was a large lamp in the corner- and a large minimalistic light in the centre of the ceiling... 

Lauren pulled back the sheets of the bed- gently laying Sofi on the mattress before pulling them back over her... I walked over to my sister- bending down to kiss her lightly on the forehead...

"Night Sofi..." I whispered quietly before turning around to look at Lauren... 

"Thank you so much for today..." I said, pulling her in tightly for a hug... "You made it so special..."  

"Well... Thank you and your sister for being the best company... I had so much fun..."   She smiled sweetly- reciprocating the hug. 

"I had fun too... I love spending time with you..."

"Me too... You make me really happy..." She said, pulling away from the hug... 

I smiled at Lauren- taking her hand in mine as we closed the door to Sofi's room and made our way down the staircase...

"Anyway... Now that Sofi's asleep... Do you want a drink?" She laughed,

"Of course" I giggled...

Lauren and I were sat on her sofa- wine glasses in hand... 

The rim of the wine glass was a perfect band of black and white- the bowl a delicate crystal colour... I twirled the wine glass by the stem- the deep red liquid swirling around the glass interior... 

"Oh I almost forgot... I have a gift for you..." Lauren smirked, getting up off of the sofa and walking over to the kitchen counter...  

"A gift?" I said confused,

"Yes... A gift..." She said as she walked back- something silver in her hand...

"Don't panic..."

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