Chapter 32: I'm A Sinner, Yes A Prisoner To The Kiss Of A Burning Flame

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Camila's POV:

Lauren and I had spent most of the week negotiating with the directors, signing contracts and choosing the designs for the Jauregui multinational HQ... the 3 days we had already spent in Dubai were amazing... but being confined to office buildings and hotel rooms had begun to get frustrating when I knew what was waiting for me right outside...

However, like most our of trips- time went by very quickly and, by Friday, Lauren and I had got everything completed- leaving us with the weekend free to do whatever we wanted... I had practically begged Lauren to let me plan a romantic day out- from trying the local food, to wine tasting, to sightseeing- there was so much I wanted to do- but she wouldn't have it...

"Don't pout at me like that Camz I have something special planned you just have to keep patient" She had said, giving me a small kiss on the cheek before stepping away from me- leaving me with an even bigger pout than before...

Although I tried to play it off that I was angry... on the inside I was genuinely excited about what Lauren had planned... but even so- the pout remained plastered on my face as Lauren gave me a smug grin from across the room...


*Bang Bang Bang*

"Laurennnnnn!" I groaned, as I was awoken by the loud bang which was coursing through the hotel room... "Laurennnn!" I said again a little louder, rolling over to face her- only to realise that she wasn't laying next to me anymore... I sighed impatiently as I turned onto my other side- looking at the time being presented on the digital clock on the bedside table next to me:


"Shit..." I mumbled to myself, realising I had already wasted half of the day asleep... I got up out of the bed and slowly made my way over to the door, "Did you forget your room key again?" No response. "Babe I told you to get a spare one so this didn't keep on happening-" I teased, opening the door... only to be faced with someone who wasn't Lauren...

"DINAH?!" I almost screamed, throwing myself into her arms and hugging her tightly, "What are you doing here?! Oh my god you're in Dubai?! How did you even get here?! Wait where's Lauren?!" I said- somewhat frantically,

"Ok Mila, please calm down before you give yourself an aneurism... as much as I would love to play 21 questions with you right now- we really have to go, you're running late and we have somewhere to be..."

"Late for what? Do we have another meeting? Where do we have to go? I thought we had the weekend off?-"

"-Mila... I love you but please stop talking. Go and have a shower and get dressed- then meet me in the lobby in 20 minutes- no questions asked." She warned- giving me small smile before she turned on her heels- walking towards the elevator situated at the end of the corridor...


"So do you want to tell me what we're doing" I asked curiously as Dinah and I left the lobby, making our way onto the street outside...

"Nope." Dinah said bluntly as we turned another corner...

"Well do I at least get a clue?"

"Nope." Dinah responded once again

"not even a little hint?" I tried again,

"Mila i swear to god you won't live to find out where we're going if you don't stop asking questions." Dinah said- laughing at me as she took my arm in hers- leading me towards a large building situated in the centre of the street...

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