Chapter 6

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        The unknown lady stared at the expression on their faces, noticing the confused glance they sent each other before the conclusion that settled on both their faces.

    She laughed hysterically, it was so unexpected that it prompted the two girls to join in.

    "So Nicole and Anna right?" She said in between bouts of hysteria, "the look on your faces was epic".
    "We're sorry, it's not every day our uncle has visitors, and before we continue the conversation, can we at least know your name, since you already know ours," Nicole said in amusement.

   "I'm Bianca, uncle Fred's niece in law."

    "Does that word exist?" Anna asked warming up to her already.

   Bianca shrugged. "I don't know but it's easier than saying, uncle Fred's late wife's niece".

   Nicole smiled. "You could have just said you're his niece".

    "Same difference," she waved it off, "anyway uncle Fred is in his study, let's go in."

   As they headed towards his study, Anna used the opportunity to study Bianca. She was tall and willowy, she held herself in a regal manner almost like a queen and her features made her look nearly ethereal. Anna almost felt self-conscious of her petite stature beside the red-haired beauty.

      As if her best friend could sense her thoughts, Nicole turned to her and mouthed something that suspiciously looked like she's gorgeous, almost tripping herself.
    They heard his booming laughter, before seeing the said uncle as he ended his call. Their uncle was a very loud man.

   He gave both of them big hugs. "Here are my favorite relatives."

    Green eyes twinkling in amusement, Bianca laughed. "I thought I was your favorite relative."

    They all laughed at that and made their way to the balcony of his study. The balcony overlooked the fairytale-like garden, it was his late wife's pride and joy and he often spent his evenings there as he felt closer to her there.

   One of the maids came bearing refreshment without asking what they would like to have since the head maid knew the girls well she knew their likes and dislikes.

    The head maid was the one who catered for them during the long summers they had spent here, they both got their love for the culinary world from her.

   The young maid placed the brandy laced coffee in front of her employer, before serving the rest plain coffee and then lastly placing a cup of orange juice for Nicole, since she didn't particularly care for coffee.

  They talked about miscellaneous things, chatting about work and the likes, basking in the warm glow of the midday sun. Anna's phone broke the steady flow of chatter as she excused herself to pick up her phone.

    Not surprisingly it was Luke who was calling her. They exchanged pleasantries before he got down to the reason he called her.

  He paused, almost sounding bashful. "So, I was wondering if you would like to have coffee with me."
   She giggled. "Luke, why do you sound shy?"

   "I don't, I sound confident that the beautiful lady I'm talking to right now would accept my invitation for a coffee date." He sounded almost unsure.

  "It's a date", she sat down on a couch, "I'm kind of busy right now, so maybe later?"

  "Of course, tomorrow sounds great to you?"

  "It sounds perfect, text me the details later, I have to go now."

  They said their goodbyes before hanging up, as Anna was going back to the balcony, she couldn't help but feel a twinge of excitement, and that the emotion Nicole picked up on when she sat down.

   Nicole shot her a raised eyebrow and she gave her a shrug in return.
    Their uncle didn't question their strange exchange, he had seen them do it countless times. So instead, he focused on the cause of Anna's smug smile.

   "So Anna, you didn't particularly say why you came visiting. It's been a long time since you came here, maybe four months." He said as he took a sip of his drink.

She smiled, her uncle was so predictable. "So I can't visit my favorite uncle is what you're saying."

   She knew exactly what game her uncle was playing and it seemed like Bianca and Nicole knew too, with the amused glances they both sported.

   "No no," vehemently shaking his head, "I'm just curious that's all, you know how curious I can be, used to drive your aunt nuts." He flapping his arms in exaggeration.
   He continued, "when are you going back? Or are you finally putting your friend out of her misery and moving here?" He asked changing the topic, seeing that she wasn't bulging.

   "I wish," Nicole grumbled.

  "I have three more days here." She shot her friend a look.

  She knew Nicole wanted her to move here, with her and close to their uncle, but she wanted a life of her own and not the one where she would be shadowing Nicole.

     They had talked about it countless times and Nicole's always bent on having things her way but this was one of the few things she didn't relent on.

    Not liking the way the topic had solely shifted to her, she quickly changed the topic to a neutral ground, one where she knew her uncle and friend didn't agree on.

    Food, savory vs sweet. Unsurprisingly, savory was Nicole's favorite while Anna and their uncle favored sweets, Bianca quickly took sides with Nicole since she too favored savory over sweet foods.

    The argument came to an end with no real winner, with the head maid calling them for lunch.

    By the end of the day, the girls had become instant friends with Bianca and Nicole still couldn't get over the fact that her cousin, they had claimed each other, was in fact a very famous model. She had mentioned in passing that she was a model, but their uncle who was always one to brag had informed them of the famous part.

     They ended the visit with a meet up planned for the next day, Anna made sure it was planned for the afternoon because of her date in the morning.

    During their ride back home Anna's phone rang again and Nicole who thought it was Luke started to make jest of her friend.

   She snickered. "Loverboy just can't get enough of you."
    Anna shot her friend a dry look as she fished for her phone in her bag. When she found the phone, the shock written all over her face prompted her friend to take the phone from her.

    Nicole immediately mirrored her friend's surprise when she saw the caller.



     A big thank you to everyone reading this book, voting and commenting. I love you all💖😂
   What do you guys think of Bianca and Uncle Fred?😂. #team savory vs team sweet, what team are you on? I'm team savory all the way💖, I enjoy desserts, but not too sweet ones😂

   Who do you think is the mysterious caller? that made even Nicole shut up.

   Don't forget to vote and comment it really makes me happy.



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