Chapter 14

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    Anna looked up at the middle-aged man as he introduced himself.  He didn't look like your typical artist, lanky and dressed in all black. Instead, the artist was dressed in a light blue polo and black tailored pants; With his graying blond hair gelled back, he looked more like a corporate worker than the artist she expected. His height was imposing, but his somewhat paunchy build made him look less intimidating. 

   After they made introductions, he led them into his apartment, in brief, confident strides. His home looked nothing like she had envisioned. She had expected a very extravagant place, but the apartment was cool and understated.   She kept on thinking about his familiarity and couldn't help but blurt out the question that had been plaguing her mind since they arrived.

     "I'm sorry, but have we met before?" She asked as he offered them both a glass of white wine. She rejected the wine in favor of water.

     He smiled at her question before shaking his head, "I don't think so, but since we are all in the same industry, it's possible that we might have met before."

     That seemed more likely, Anna thought, setting the thought aside to focus on the task at hand. They made it round the studio, viewing the pieces he had put together to be displayed. They talked about style and setting while Anna measured some of the artworks.

    They discussed which pieces would be at the entrance and the ones that would be placed as centerpieces, market demands, and most importantly budget. All through their discussion, Ara took measurements of the proposed artworks and checked the state of the art pieces.

    Anna thoroughly enjoyed the company of the old man, his witty comments and dark humor proved to be entertaining and she found herself laughing, quite loudly she might add, with the older man.

    They had joked around while they worked making the atmosphere much lighter than she had anticipated. He even offered to draw a portrait of her or at least a lazy sketch. She had kindly rejected of course. While she was considered pretty, some people even going as far as calling her a natural beauty, she couldn't tag herself model worthy. Her short stature and wide hips could attest to that.

   They continued to work and when her bladder couldn't take the pressure anymore, she asked for direction for the restroom.

   "The first door by the left."

    After relieving herself, she made her way back to the makeshift studio. In her haste to get to the bathroom, she didn't notice the beautiful paintings decorating the hallway. Most of the paintings were dark and soulful. Just by looking at them, she could tell that the artist was trying to convey love, loss, and yearning.

    Out of all the paintings that were arranged in the hallway, the one that caught her eye stood to be the most magnificent of them all. It was simple but nonetheless stunning.

    The painting, a contemporary styled portrait was of a young pregnant woman. With an enchanting smile, Anna could easily say that the young woman is one of the most graceful women she has seen.

     The model was seated on a tall stool, with one of her hands wrapped around her large stomach, the other covering her bare breasts. Her eyes were covered with a white blindfold and she was surrounded by a halo. Arms outstretched in a beckoning sign, the dark-haired woman was grinning. Anna noticed that Arthur paid attention to fine details, because of the small, almost inconspicuous mole that was at the side of the model's mouth.

    Anna was so caught up with the painting that she didn't notice that Arthur stood beside her.

   "Beautiful isn't she?" She was startled by the sound of his voice.

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