Chapter 11

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        Anna was a Cryer, she cried about everything from when her dog died, to small injuries, to their graduation from high school and then college, and not to mention her breakup, if you could call it that with Alex, she cried when she was happy, sad or even anxious. To some crying was a weakness but to her, crying was a coping mechanism.

      That being said, it was safe to say she was a crybaby, and where was Nicole during all these crying sessions you might ask? Always comforting her, even when she was hurt she hid her pain well preferring to laugh than show the world her pain.

     So watching her best friend fall on her knees in front of a grave, in a full-blown shoulder shaking, mascara running crying session felt like ripping a bandaid off a fresh injury. She could literally feel her pain from where she stood with Bianca.

       The cemetery was silent, eerily so just like it was supposed to be, cold air wrapped them up like a blanket, their flimsy dresses no match for the brittle air. She licked her dry lips, hugging herself against the chill, thinking about the emotional pain her friend was going through.

      Anna was tempted to run up to her friend and offer her comfort, just like she had done for her countless times but she held herself knowing Nicole wouldn't like to be seen in what she believed was a vulnerable state.

    So she stood in silence, watching her friend suffer, wanting to know why life was unfair. Her teeth chattered slightly, rubbing her hands against the chill, as she wiped the stray tears on her face and turned to Bianca when she saw that her tears had subsided.

      "Let's go," she said and with that, they made their way towards Nicole. Wrapping her arms around her Anna gave her friends the strength she sort to get over the heart-wrenching grief.

      Son, brother, boyfriend.
      1995- 2015

       Losing a loved one was simply devastating, Bianca could relate to what Nicole was feeling but losing your other half was a loss that was almost inconsolable.

    Bianca broke the silence. "May his gentle soul rest in peace."

    "Amen." They responded.

    After Nicole had put herself together, she led them to a chapel close to the cemetery. They were barely seated before the mass began.

    Anna had never been the religious type, her parents were atheists but since she had basically grown with the Sanders, she had attended quite a fair share of masses.

    She marveled at the interior of the church and the way its members seemed so organized and put together. A quick glance at Bianca showed that she wasn't used to the environment.

    After the evening mass, it seemed like Nicole was back to her former self, they decided to ditch their car and take a walk. They all clearly needed to meditate and what better way to clear your head, than a walk?

     During their stroll, they spotted food stands along the road, selling different kinds of greasy foods, and usually, Anna didn't indulge in such foods but today she felt the need to.

     "Let's get some onion rings," Anna muttered excitedly.

     Nicole shot her a look, "but you hate them."

     "I don't."

      "You do, you hate anything that has onion in it or beside it for that matter."
     "You're being extra, hate is a strong word I merely disliked them but in my defense, they smell awesome now."

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