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"So why'd you bring me here?" said Iris, as the two of them walked into her kitchen, setting her jacket on a nearby chair.

"Um, maybe because it's your house?" Rafe slightly chuckled, thinking he was so slick. He walked over to their kitchen refrigerator, pulling out a number of beer bottles that their family kept in there. "The boys should be here soon." Rafe grabbed Iris' hand, pulling her outside, with the bottles in his other hand.

"What? What are you talking about? You came over to my house, just to get... beer?"

"Yeah. You want one?" He held up a bottle to her as Topper came pulling over, signalling for them to get in the car. Iris had no choice but to get in the back seat beside Kelce and Riley, as Rafe got into the passenger seat in the front.

"Okay, um. As concerning as this already is, where are you losers going and why?" Iris slightly stood up from her seat, advancing herself in between Rafe and Topper, who was driving.

"We, my friend, are going on an adventure." Rafe mocked her words from the other day, before giving her a wink as he handed the boys each a beer, including Topper. "You're better off without her Topper. Trust me, I live with the bitch." Rafe told Topper. Iris' eyes widened in caution, before she snatched the beer out of Topper's grip, as he was, indeed, driving.

"Rafe, don't call your sister a bitch, man! C'mon!"

"Yo, I call her whatever I want, man. Alright?"

"Yeah, I call Ris a bitch every single day of my life." Riley started, nudging her side. "And she still loves me, right, sis?" He took a sip out of the bottle that Rafe handed him earlier. Iris just rolled her eyes, muttering a 'no' as Topper continued to drive down the road to the Cameron's.

As they got there, Topper was basically stumbling his every step as he attempted to walk up to the door. They kept complaining and laughing at him, before Topper told them to shut up.

"Is that it?" Iris turned back to the boys after Topper sneaked inside the Cameron's house. Riley and Kelce continued to drink, as Rafe again grabbed Iris' hand, signalling the boys to follow and leading them into his home.

"Geez, clean your fucking room." Iris said, as Rafe took his friends into his bedroom and she immediately noticed all the mess and the pile of clothes that was scattered everywhere.

"Get out." Rafe told his friends, excluding Iris, as he remained holding hands with her.

"Why- Oh." Riley chuckled and got the message straight away, as he struggled to push himself and Kelce out of Rafe's room.

Iris could tell that Rafe was a bit tipsy from the alcohol, whereas he stumbled to sit down on his bed, pulling Iris on top of him so that she was sitting on his lap. Though, she just got up immediately, not wanting anything that she had an idea of to happen.

"Ris, I have a question for you." Rafe slurred his words as Iris sat down on a nearby chair in his room. "Yeah?" She said, turning towards him.

"Why are you such a bitch to us?" He said, referring to him and the other Kooks.

Iris scoffed at the question. She never really thought much about her attitude towards her brother and his friends. "I mean. I guess I'm just a bitch to everyone." She shrugged.

"No, I've seen you with others. Especially the adults. It's like you want to suck up to them or something." Rafe was still slurring. Iris sorta took offence to his words. Though, she knew it was true. She was kind of a two-faced bitch who was only rude with Riley and his friends. And she was a suck-up to the adults.

"I just, I have a bad time with trying to get along with adults. They piss me off but like, I try to do something but it's hard." Iris got up and sat down beside Rafe on his bed. He rest his head on her shoulder for support, still feeling a bit woozy. "I'm also just a bitch to you guys because you guys suck."


"Okay, my turn. Why do you just, like, hate on everyone? Especially the Pogues."

"Because they're Pogues. Those dirty Pogues deserve what's coming to them."

"That's the most stupidest response I've ever heard." She scoffed.

"Well, I asked you the exact same question and you gave me the exact same energy."

"I hate my dad." Iris said out of nowhere. Rafe was somehow almost completely sober, so he lifted his head that rested on his shoulder and looked at her. "Anyways, I was always closer to my mother anyways. But it's just different now since she's not around. But long story short, everyone from my dad's side of the family hates me. So I hate them." She said just so casually as she got up and started to pace nervously around the boy's room.

"Why and how could anyone hate you? I don't even ha-" Rafe literally had a whole speech ready for Iris, but she cut him off.

"Because they said I wasn't really part of their family!" Iris regretfully spazzed out. "They never said I was never a 'real Stratford.'" She did little finger quotations in the air as she ranted. "I don't even know what that was supposed to mean. I was 4 fucking years old! And know look where I am right now. My dad doesn't even come home because he probably knows that I can't be part of his family. And I-" Iris was on the verge of tears when all of a sudden, Rafe stood up and stopped her in her tracked to embrace her in his arms. She didn't expect such a reaction from the boy. Rafe Cameron showing sympathy? Who was this Rafe Cameron at the moment? Who replaced the Kook King that she previously knew him as? The spoiled blond jerk she knew for 12 years of her life?

did i base her dysfunctional father
family backstory after my
backstory? that's a secret i'll never
tell. you know you love me,
xoxo, gossip girl.

anyways, i don't have a dead mom.
and i just so happen to live
with my dad. but yes, my dad's
family did say i would never be
part of their family.

if ur reading this and you guys happen
to, i'm sorry sorry for your loss. just so
you know that i love each one of you
guys so much. everyone is always
fighting a battle you know
nothing about.

also please check out the link
in my bio. it's very important
that every single one of you
stays safe, no matter of
skin colour. it makes me
so sad every day that i have
to see someone on the news getting
brutally murdered because of
one's skin colour.

if you guys ever need
someone to talk to, my messages
are always open. but i'm also
open on instagram.
@/finnfarquaad (my finsta lol)

i'm telling y'all, this book
is slowly going downhill. i literally
have no idea what i'm doing

anyways,, who wants to write
a filler chapter for this?

propertyofjjmaybank , these are the
times i need u at LMAO

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