One - The First Law Broken

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Follow the law

"It's there to protect us from sin." Is what his father always said as he pointed to his bible. Follow the law, follow the rules, as he smacked Amber, his other child for speaking during church, or before being spoken to. Follow the law, as he forcibly turned Phoenix's head away from the longing gaze of a familiar boy. Follow the law, as he ignored a 'witch' trying to escape, and Phoenix's sister looked like she wanted to help.

Follow the law, follow the bible.

Those words were the words that Phoenix and Amber Finch were raised by, it was what their father taught. "It's how he copes with mother's death", is what Amber says, "living by a code to feel like you have a purpose". Phoenix understood, he often felt the same way, he felt he was similar to his father. He was a good man, truly, even though he made mistakes, driven by pain and guilt, after all, what kind of doctor can't save his own wife from smallpox?

Follow the law.

When their mother died all those years ago, he found a book that she had never shown him, a book that talked of magic, heroes, and other gods that existed far away, and long ago. Such books were prohibited, going against the bible in such a bold and blatant way. Women weren't supposed to read anything but the bible, Father wanted it gone, how could his wife have betrayed the Lord in such a way? It was only Amber's begging that saved the leather bound book, though it remained hidden in the attic, shunned from their father's memory, they weren't allowed near it, though Phoenix always heard footsteps up there, late in the night.

Follow the law

His father drags him away from the talk of pirates, bounty posters for 'The West Wind', who has killed more people and sunk more ships than there are countries in europe. Away from the rumors of witchcraft, and the old wives tales of the pub. He drags them away from the busy tavern and reminds them not to touch the book in a hushed but urgent tone. He averts their eyes and ears from bounty posters and stories from the fishermen, the message is clear, do not get involved in such things. Phoenix was always close to his father, well, as close as can be in the society they lived in, it was all formal and impersonal.

Their mother was so much different.

She was warm and loving, and she told tales of unknown heroes and forgotten gods when they couldn't sleep. She could soothe any sadness or anger with her voice, though she could have a bit of a fiery temper herself, and Phoenix swears he can remember a day when he was a child, and he fell from a tree, breaking his arm, he could remember clear as day that his mother held him, and told him to close his eyes. She placed her hand on his arm, and Phoenix felt warm, safe, the world in front of his closed eyelids appeared to brighten for a moment, and the pain was gone. His mother put a finger to her lips, and said it would be their little secret.

But he knew it was just his imagination.

Amber was more like their mother, she was kind, and caring, and informal, she laughed with her entire soul and sang and danced behind closed doors when she thought no one else knew. She ventured out to the shore whenever she could, even at night, and watched the tides with awe, though she didn't know that Phoenix knew she snuck out.

Today was one of the days in which Phoenix joined her, of course, the beach was off limits to civilians, after that girl drowned years ago, and though Phoenix was a stickler for the law, he had made an exception for the humble shore, for his sister. Besides, that one was more of a guideline than anything.

It was barely an hour after their feet had hit the sand that the day began to take a turn. Phoenix stared at the clear skies, his legs dangling off the ledge of a small cliff, he sighed after a few minutes, and sat up, looking out on the water. He noticed a young boy, no older than eight, who appeared to be washing out his coat, he looked up to the sky, having heard the call of an eagle, and when he turned his gaze back to the sea, the boy was gone, his coat remaining. He stood quickly, his eyes searching for the boy, his heart dropped to his stomach as he spotted him.

"HELP!" Phoenix started to run, careful not to lose his balance, he called out to his sister on the shore, pointing to the boy. She searched for what he was pointing to, and as her reddish brown eyes landed upon the boy, she sprung into action, ripping off her heavy overcoat, and leaping into the water.

"Amber!" Phoenix shouted, running as fast as his legs could take him. He watched in horror as she swam further out, just as she was a mere three feet away, he sunk into the water, leaving air bubbles in his wake.

She didn't even hesitate.

She plunged into the icy water, reaching out for the boy, whose eyes were beginning to close. Her lungs burned and her skin was numb from the cold, and yet she persisted, silently cursing her family for living so far up north. The boy landed on the ocean floor, displacing the sand below and mucking up the water, she ignored how the salt water and sand stung her eyes, and grabbed onto the boy. She placed her feet on the ground and kicked up with all of her might, she and the boy swiftly reaching the surface.

She gasped for air, struggling to keep them both afloat, and began to swim to the shore, her brother splashed through the water to meet her halfway, and they laid the boy on the sand. He wasn't breathing, but they knew what to do, their father was a doctor after all. Phoenix covered the boy's nose while Amber pressed against his stomach, and then he leaned down, pushing air into the boy's mouth with his own. He spluttered, and Amber turned him to the side as water spilled from his lungs, Phoenix covered him with his own coat, his hands shaking.

"Are you alright?" He asked, the boy, unable to speak, nodded, and Phoenix helped him sit up.

"Lean forward." He ordered. He looked up to ask Amber what the hell she was thinking when she dove in the water like that, but she was gone. His eyes darted around and zeroed in on his sister, just as she stepped foot back into the water, he wanted to ask what she was doing, but then he spotted the most peculiar thing. A glowing blue stone, about the size of his fist, laying on the wet sand, the ocean pushing away from it as if it has it's own invisible shield.

"Amber..." He said slowly, she ignored him, and leaned down, he cursed and scrambled to his feet.

"Amber don't-!" Just as her fingers graced the stone, it melted into a puddle and coated her hand, disappearing into her skin, a blast of energy knocked the two off of their feet, and Phoenix's world went black.

"Phoenix." A voice echoed in the darkness, though he wasn't sure whose it was. He felt... strange, it was as if his limbs were liquid lead, unmovable and weak.

"Phoenix." The voice urged, he was moving, was he being shaken?

"Phoenix!" The world brightened, and the first thing he saw was a pair of aquamarine eyes, he blinked, and the face above him came into focus.

"Amber?" He mumbled, she sighed in relief, and helped him sit up slowly.

"Thank goodness, I was beginning to think..." She trailed off, noticing how Phoenix was staring. "What is it?"

"Your... eyes..." He managed, she tilted her head, and Phoenix reached into his pocket, handing her a shining dagger. She stared into the blade silently, her hands beginning the shake, she blinked, and yet her once brown eyes remained the same color as the water beside them.

"What in the name of..." She rubbed at her eyes, but nothing changed, she stood on trembling legs, and backed up, tripping over a rock. As she began to fall, the sea lifted up from the ground, and met her halfway, holding her up, she gasped, and the ocean pushed against her back, bringing her to her feet. She stumbled and fell limply onto the sand, staring at the water with wide eyes.

"Holy mother Mary..." Phoenix breathed, they both sat in silence for a while, and Phoenix noticed that the boy had left, leaving small footprints leading to town. He swallowed, and stood carefully, walking over to his sister, who was beginning to breathe heavily, he placed a hand on her shoulder and she flinched, looking to him.

"Come on..." He urged, and they left the beach behind, Phoenix's mind was reeling. Surely it must be some sort of magic? But how? And why? He glanced to his sister, who was staring at the ground in shock as she was all but dragged home on a beaten path, out of the sight of the prying town.

Witchcraft is against the law, she'll be hanged... Amber hung onto his arm as though it were a lifeline out on sea, damp hair falling over her face after her coif had fallen into the same tide that pulled the young boy out to sea. She saved his life, she didn't even think about it, oh no, It's the law to report witchcraft... Phoenix came to a decision quickly, he would keep his sister safe at all costs.

That day, was the day Phoenix Finch broke his first law.

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