Ten - Begin Again

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Phoenix took in a deep breath, the sun was setting, everyone had already eaten, and all was calm... Except for the fact the Phoenix felt like his heart was about to pound out of his chest. Sequoyah looked down at him from the helm with a look of concern, the wind playing with a loose strand of his hair.

"Are you alright, Phoenix?" He asked, Phoenix jumped, startled, and sighed when he realised it was just the helmsman.

"Yeah... I'm just..." He wrung his fingers together, staring at the ornate door in front of him, he was just above the infirmary, on the first quarterdeck, staring at the captain's quarters.

"If you're looking for Nico, you can just knock, he's not sleeping." Sequoyah told him, Phoenix's eyebrows furrowed.

"How do you know?" He asked, Sequoyah rubbed at his hands, it was getting kind of chilly.

"He told me he was going to be working on something tonight." He answered. "What do you need him for?"

"I... I need to apologize." He said quietly, Sequoyah nodded in understanding.

"He won't be mad, he'll probably welcome the distraction." He assured him. "Go on."

"Right..." Phoenix inhaled deeply, and raised his knuckles, timidly knocking on the door. He sucked in a breath, and pulled his sleeves over his hands, staring down at his shoes. He heard the captain mutter to himself, and the door swung open, he looked up, surprised at how quickly the captain responded, and felt his cheeks go warm. The captain's shirt was unbuttoned, revealing the dark bronze skin of his chest and stomach, his mouth went dry as the captain stared at him expectantly, his wet hair falling over his eyes. He really hoped the captain assumed the pink of his cheeks was from the cold.

"What is it?" He asked flatly, Phoenix blinked a few times, coming back to reality, he swallowed.

"I... uh..." He trailed off, wringing his hands together, he could feel his heart thumping in his chest. "I- I wanted to..."

"Spit it out, Kólasi." He urged, he leaned against the doorway with his arms crossed, the sunset casting a soft orange light over them both.

"I'm sorry." He mumbled, Nico's eyes widened slightly.

"What was that?" He asked, Phoenix sighed, straightening his posture, he looked the captain in the eyes.

"I'm sorry." He said, this time with much more confidence. "You were right. I was being ungrateful to you and the crew when you were all trying your best to make me feel comfortable. I was scared, and I acted out, I shouldn't have taken my frustrations out on all of you. I'm sorry... Captain."

Nico stared at him silently for a few seconds, then he smiled softly. "I believe I have to apologize as well, Finch. I was so focused on my crew I ignored how scared you were. You had every right to be angry, and I should have acknowledged that, not held a knife to your throat. I'm sorry."

Phoenix couldn't help but smile at the captain, the earnest apology left a feeling of peace in his mind. "We certainly got off on the wrong foot, but I don't think it's too late to try again."

He held his hand out with a tentative smile. "Nice to meet you, I'm Phoenix Finch."

Nico chuckled at the sight of Phoenix's outstretched hand, and shook his head, taking it. "Pleasure to meet you as well, Mr. Finch. My name is Nico Maheras."

They shook hands briefly, and Nico let out a light laughter, Phoenix giggled, and pulled his hand back. As the boat rocked gently, he took a brief moment to study the captain's face, his features were soft, but bold all the same, with rounded cheekbones and a strong jaw. His heavy lidded eyes were crinkled at the corners as he smiled, and to Phoenix's surprise, he found that his left eye was a lighter color than his right one, chestnut brown paired with dark oak.

"You should head back to your bed." Nico spoke, his voice was as gentle as the breeze, he tilted his head. "Do you have a coat?"

"Sorry?" Phoenix questioned, the captain looked at Phoenix's hands, where he held his sleeves over them to keep warm.

"It's going to start getting cold on the ship soon." Nico explained, he turned into his cabin, and came back with a long jacket. "Here."

"Oh- no, I couldn't-" The long coat was clearly a luxury item, a deep red with golden thread around the black cuffs and neck, a swirling pattern that was almost akin to smoke. It came with a sewn on vest the color of charcoal, it was obviously a warm coat meant for the upper class. Nico pushed it into his arms.

"It doesn't fit me anymore, Pyrkagiá, take it." He ordered. "I don't want Adilah wasting resources on you because you got a cold."

Phoenix took the garment gingerly, feeling the thick fabric, he had a feeling the captain had other reasons than 'wasting resources', but he decided not to comment on it. "Thank you."

Nico nodded, "Take care of it." He said, then grinned. "It was expensive."

He watched with a laugh as Phoenix spluttered indignantly, his cheeks going red and yet paling at the same time. He closed the heavy door in response to his protests, telling him to go to bed. Phoenix sighed, and put the jacket on, it fit perfectly over him, and he walked back into the med bay, plopping onto his bed. He was thankful to the captain for letting him take the coat, he was definitely much warmer, he smiled at the reminder of their reconciliation, and reached into the box Leo made him for his things. He took out the book Oliver had brought him, and opened it back up to the last page he was on, The Blessing Of Hestia.

'Goddess of the hearth. Her blessing may give the receiver the ability to wield fire, to heal, and to bring home to those they meet. "With the eternal fire of the hearth, I shall bring new life, and new beginnings." The holder of the blessing shall bear the symbol of hestia upon them, and is urged to use their abilities for healing. He trailed his hand over the symbol on the page, sighing.

Where have I seen you before? Was his last thought as he drifted into a comfortable sleep.

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