Eleven - The Kitchen

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Phoenix was awoken by an unfamiliar smell, he cracked his eyes open, and found Adilah's hand hovering over him, holding a clay cup. He groaned and sat up quickly, fearing she may pour the contents of it on him, his book fell with a thump onto the ground. He had rather vivid flashbacks of his sister pouring an entire bucket of ice water over his face, then of when Adilah accidentally dumped the mop bucket over him, laughing as he sputtered awake. He did not want to relive either, thank you very much.

"Not again!" He shouted, Adilah raised an eyebrow and snorted, shaking her head.

"Rise and shine, Nixie." Leo greeted from the doorway, also holding a cup.

"What time is it?" He groaned, Adilah handed him the cup in her hands.

"Not too early, a few hours before noon." She answered. "Drink."

"Uh... what is it?" He asked, staring at the light brown liquid, he smelled it, and was surprised at the bitter scent.

"Coffee." Adilah answered, "Have you never had it?"

"I have not..." He said slowly, Leo grinned.

"In your hands, oh young grasshopper, is the liquid of the gods, the nectar of the earth, the bittersweet, life giving drink that-"

"Leo, shut up." Adilah sighed. "It's a stimulant, it wakes you up."

Phoenix cautiously brought the cup to his lips and sipped at the hot liquid, his eyebrows raised. "This... is actually good. I half expected mop water."

"Oliver picked up some coffee beans, so Alexander can grow them in his garden now." Adilah told him, ignoring his comment, Phoenix perked up.

"He has a garden?" He asked, Adilah nodded. Phoenix's father had kept his mother's old garden, once overflowing, he smiled at the memories of he and Amber helping her with it.

"Yeah, It's right under the captain's quarters." Leo replied. "He grows all sorts of stuff in there."

"Oh..." He took another sip of the coffee, and crossed his legs, Adilah began to walk to her room. "Wait, uh... do you need me to do anything today?"

"No, not really. Although, I think Alexander is going to come in soon, but you can handle it." She stopped at her door and said one more thing before closing it. "Consider this your day off."

"What's Alex-" Phoenix's question was cut off as someone stepped into the room, Alexander stood there sheepishly, cradling his left hand, and looking like a kicked puppy.

"Help?" He asked, Phoenix sighed, and stood up, setting his drink on the table.

"What did you do to it?" He asked, wrapping Alexander's hand and wrist, he blushed, and scratched his neck.

"I uh... I tripped last night." He answered, Phoenix frowned.

"Why didn't you get it wrapped then?" Alex went even redder, clearly embarrassed.

"Well, uh... It was like, right after I left the book with you..." He muttered, Phoenix was unable to suppress an amused grin.

"Is that what that noise was?" He inquired.

"Depends, did it sound like a grown man falling over, breaking his hand, and swearing?"

"Pretty much." Phoenix chuckled, finishing up the bandage. "Don't even think about using that hand until I or Adilah says it's okay."

"Jeez, now there's two of you..." He muttered, Leo chuckled.

"Try being stuck in a room with both of them for two weeks." Phoenix raised an eyebrow.

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