Six - A Dream, A Meal, A Beginning

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Phoenix walked slowly through the house, a strange lightness to his limbs. He wasn't sure how he got here, or when, or why everything seemed much bigger, but his mind didn't have the will to question it. Everything was strangely hazy, soft light filtering through the windows, he trailed his small hand along the wall.

"Oh, Phoenix! I'm gonna find you!" A familiar voice sang, Phoenix giggled, and rushed towards the door next to him, reaching up to get the handle. He crawled on the floor of his parents' room and hid under the bed with a smile, his two front teeth missing. There was a rhythmic clunking sound, and Phoenix knew it was her heeled shoes against the wooden floors, he covered his mouth to stifle his gleeful laughter. The footsteps stopped in front of the door, and he froze, surely she hadn't found him? His hiding spot was perfect!

The door creaked open, and he watched as a pair of leather shoes stepped into the room, then stopped in front of the bed. "Now where could my little bird be?" she paced around the room thoughtfully, her skirt swaying along, Phoenix giggled again, there's no way she'll see me!

"Gotcha!" She called, sweeping him from under the bed, he squealed as she swung him around in the air, finally resting him on her hip.

"How's my little boy?" She asked, Phoenix shrugged at the smiling face of his mother, a face he hadn't seen in too long, she kissed him on the head and set him down.

"I think it's almost time for your nap." She sang, and Phoenix groaned.

"No, Mama, I don't want to..." He whined, in all his six year old angst, she chuckled, and knelt down to his level, a strand of hair falling from her head covering.

"What if I read you a story?" She asked, he nodded eagerly, and she held out her hand, leading him to his bedroom to lay down, his baby sister fast asleep. He settled into the covers, and his mother sat down beside him, a leather bound book in her hand.

"Wait, Mama, you're not s'posed to read..." He said, remembering the reverends words, his mother smiled, and lowered her voice.

"This will be our little secret then, okay?" She asked, he grinned, and nodded, putting a finger to his lips.

"Good." She chuckled, and opened the book. "One day, far far away, in a magical land, lived all sorts of people and creatures. In this world, there were vast open seas, with sparkling blue water and clear skies. In this land, Pirates ruled the seas, free to explore and do as they please."

"Pirates?" Phoenix asked, "Aren't pirates bad?" His mother smiled softly, and kissed his forehead.

"Not always, little bird, and not this time. This time, they're the heroes."

Phoenix awoke from the dream in a start, trying to catch his breath, he wasn't sure what it was, the dream was innocent enough, but it struck a chord in him. He wiped his damp hands on his trousers and stood, the cold floor of the ship greeting his feet harshly, he was really there. On a pirate ship, headed to god knows where. He took a look around the infirmary, Leo was fast asleep, and the sun was just starting to peek in through the open doorway. He turned to the straw bed he was sleeping on and was surprised to see that someone had left him a blanket, he didn't get much time to think on it, as there was a hiss of pain from across the room.

"Be careful." Phoenix scolded, walking over to Leo, who was trying to sit.

"I'm restless." He muttered, "God, when can I get out of this bed?"

"When you no longer need stitches." Adilah said, entering the room, she set down an ornate mat and sighed. "You should rest for at least another few days."

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