The Changing

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They were all awake now. Percy, Annabeth, Hazel, Frank, Leo, Calypso, Nico, Will, Reyna and Thalia. The ten of them. They were awake but couldn't control their bodies. It moved as she liked but when she didn't give a command, which was not likely, they could actually move. They ascended to Mount Olympus, with Jason the ghost that Nico was forced to bring. 

"How dare you intrude?!" Hera scolded. 

"Shut up bull crap," Annabeth was half forced to say, although she really did it on her own will anyway. Then Annabeth brought Hera to Piper as she disappeared and floated into Jason. They did this more with the other gods except Aphrodite. 'That is who must be controlling Piper' she thought.

Jason became king of the gods which he didn't really like except that Piper was about to reform him. All of them.

Jason. Hmm. Make him love watching his friends suffer, except Piper. Make him extremely loyal to her. Well this was easy.

Percy. Make him always like other woman and not focus on just one, a player. He will also no longer be street smart, at all.

Annabeth. She will be dumb and giddy. She will also have no dignity and do whatever she's told even if it ruins her reputation. 

All of this happened to everyone as they were under a deep trance. Listening to everything she said, smiling weirdly. All their servants dreaded to be like them. In a trance day after day just becoming more different. 

"Percy!" Jason called.

"My master," he said while bowing.

"Call everyone, I'm bored," he replied.

"Yes master," Percy said as he ran off with his head down. 

The seven with Calypso, Will, Nico and Reyna came up. 

"Get in line for tormenting," Jason said. They all screamed like girls happily. They loved being tortured, especially by their great master. Percy went first. He started kissing all the ladies in the room, sometimes the guys. Annabeth came in. She started dancing in a very dumb manner and twirked everywhere. Frank came next and was shooting his arrows at bunnies and squirrels, killing them one by one. Hazel started collecting diamonds, each diamond taking another memory from her. Leo came but did nothing except throw himself around and bragged about how he should be king, getting smacks around the room. Piper came in to join Jason. Calypso was next. She was forced to kneel down and begged to be able to move. She suddenly couldn't move one inch except her mouth. She was frozen solid. 

Will and Nico did it together, begging to be able to move as well. Reyna was giggling in a dumb frilly pink dress, wanting Piper, to braid her hair and whatnot. They went under a trance every day for an hour to make them different. 

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