But what if-

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After a few years, Annabeth and Hazel started to question if it was Zeus killed their parents or Piper did, because they were utterly abused. Annabeth remembered that there was a time she was one of the smartest and cunning in her school. Now, she was a slave. Angry she barged up to Piper, Hazel hiding behind. 

"Annabeth Chase my loyal slave," she began.

"I'm here for the truth mistress," she said. 

Piper told the story, making Annabeth act it out for fun. 

"So it is your fault!" Annabeth yelled.

"So? I'll punish you for accusing me. No one will see anything wrong," she smirked, "besides, I set a trigger in your mind, I'll say it now and you will become... different. Candy corn." She snapped her fingers and Annabeth started braiding her hair into pigtails and smiled. 

"Mistress I want to obey, how do I obey you?" Annabeth asked. 

"You have been a bad servant and must be punished. What is the most embarrassing thing you could do?" she asked.

"Do anything a pervert says while giggling," she replied out of her own thoughts. Snap! She came back, her mouth covered by her hands. Annabeth went down and begged for forgiveness, knowing that was the smartest thing to do. 

"Number one, go down to the town called Boston and offer yourself to be a slave to a pervert, while giggling," she ordered. Annabeth went with her head down repeating, I have failed my mistress. She went with some guy named Adam and did his orders. She was giggling at everything he did and after a hour she came back. 

"Time for the brainwashing," she said. Annabeth trembled. The brainwashing had happened to a few people like Drew and they were not the same after. She stepped into the room and rings appeared. Piper spoke in a soothing voice as something was touching her. She didn't care, it was too relaxing. She knew if she wanted to be so relaxed she had to listen to Mistress Piper, if she was bad, she would feel pain. She came out, her brain twisted, Aphrodite leading her to Piper. 

Percy will realise what Aphrodite did. Percy will, no, has to. Piper called Nico, Will and Calypso in. 'Their bodies were connected to voodoo dolls,' Annabeth realised. They slapped her and she immediately blank. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2020 ⏰

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