One final memory

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Piper thought back to old memories, when she could just charmspeak them lightly and temporarily. She wanted to create one last memory like that for them so she called the seven in. Her mother, the trusted advisor, brought them in. 

"Mistress Piper, Master Jason," they bowed. 

She made them normal but altered their memories about what had happened. They agreed to play Trust, Dare or Embarrass, a game that Piper made. Rules:

Trust: you will act like what anyone says is completely true.

Dare: it's just a dare

Embarrass: the person can say any secret to embarrass you

It went on and on for about a day in godly hours and finally finished. Some of them looked a bit beat up while others jumped up and down happily. 'Time to change their memories,' Piper thought. 

Their memories will be that their parents were killed by Zeus. Jason and Piper killed Zeus and ruled the world. They now work for them and in return get mental treatments to become 'their perfect selves'. Jason would remember all of this and have his own private session with Piper. They all will have different jobs. 

Percy: for food

Annabeth: entertainment 

Hazel: chores (rlly don't do this bc #blacklivesmatter)

Frank: killing

Leo: creating objects

Reyna: to help style their hair and whatnot

Calypso, Nico and Will: just to be pushed around and act as puppets.

With all this they woke up and looked at Piper for an order.

It's short. I get it.

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