Bring your pet to school day (ch 7)

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Peter POV-

It was the day after I stood up to Flash and now I have to go back to school where he is going to get his revenge and I'm very nervous.

I woke up to the sun beaming on my eyes. I stared out the window, today is going to be a nightmare. I got up from bed and changed then headed downstairs. I went to the kitchen and there was breakfast that Loki probably made for me and a note. I picked up the note and read it. Morning Peter! I got called by the Oaf on a mission so I made some home style Asgardian breakfast because you can't eat Hotdogs daily. I giggled as I could hear Loki saying that last part. I also loved whenever Loki cooked Asgardian food, they were my favorite food except for Hotdogs.

I scarfed all of it down, I wonder if Loki's mom or Loki is the better cook? I  wondered smiling at how I  remembered when Loki described her with love. I  had also decided that if I ever met her I would make her my grandma. My mind wanders off that dream I had of the field and that woman who acted like she was my mother. And she called me 'Petyr' but my name was Peter. Whatever

I looked down at my empty place and washed it in the sink. I dried it off and just as I was about to put it back, it disappeared right from my hands. My eyes widened and I studied the air but nothing, of course.

I grabbed my backpack and my phone. I opened my phone and went my Loki's contact, I sent him three messages that read Please be safe, Try not to die or get injured and text me if you don't die so I don't freak out :). I smiled and shoved my phone in my pocket and walked out of the million dollar house that I was living in.

When I got to school, I avoided everyone and I walked to my locker thinking about Loki and the unnamed woman from my dream. When I made it to my locker I changed books and headed to my first class.

My first 3 classes went as normal as any day and now it was lunch time. I made my way to the library and pulled out my left over breakfast. I ate while reading some random books, when I felt my phone buzz.

I pulled out my phone, it was from Loki. I smiled a little relived he wasn't dead yet and went to his contact. Thanks for your much needed reminder Peter. I snorted a bit. So I guess the mission isn't done yet. I thought and typed back a your welcome, witch!

I finished my book and lunch, when the bell rang, I walked out of the library, nervous as it was my first class with Flash. I walked down the hall slightly nervous but got distracted by another buzz from my phone. It was another from Loki, it read. Stop being so nervous, I can feel your aura from all the way across the world. You'll be fine, he's probably scared of you now.

I snorted as he could tell when I'm nervous from a across the world. Y-yeah maybe he is scared of me. I thought walking into my class.

Flash couldn't even look at me let alone bully me. I smiled as he nervously looked at me. I should probably apologize for being so harsh yesterday. I thought. When class was over I walked up to Flash and apologized but he also apologized, so today was going okay.

I stared out the window of my last and most boring class of the day. Loki had just texted me saying that he was not dead and he was coming black on the quinjet.

As soon as the bell rang, I got up and walked out. Once I got everything done, I walked out of school to be dragged into a alleyway by one of my bullies. I just let it happen.

I was feeling a bit bored as I was dragged into the alley, once dropped I picked myself up and looked at bully1 and bully2.

"What? Do you want money cuz I don't got any." I said looking bored making them angry.

"I don't want your pathetic money, Parker!" Bully2 yelled while I squinted my eyes.

"Well what do you want?" I asked slightly interested

"To hurt you!" Bully1 yelled lifting his hand to punch me.

Before I could prepare myself to be punched a heavy weight wrapped loosely around my neck. Bully1 went from 'I'm going to punch you' to 'I'm going to cry'. The same with bully2. They started to shake.

I looked down and saw a giant black, green and gold snake  wrapped around my shoulders and he hissed at the bullies. I knew it was Loki and I looked up smirking which confused the still scared bullies.

"Guys! I would like you to meet my snake." I said as the boys ran away tripping  and stumbling. When they were out of sight, Loki turned back to Loki.

"So how was the mission with Thor?" I smiled as we started walked out from behind the school.

"It was okay, it was a bunch of dümmë hundërs from space, decided they wanted to take over earth." He said laughing.

4 hours later

I sat in the library reading some old book that Loki read when he was younger. I always learn a bunch of new thing when I read Loki's book. I was reading a book in traditional Asgardian do I could read it from my lesson with Loki.

When Thor visited Loki, I would stay in the library to entertain myself until Thor left. Today was no different. I read a book about Frost Giants and i know Loki mentioned something about being a frost giant.

The Frost Giant species interested me so I continued to read and I got lost of time. I was only brought out of my trance when I heard Loki Enter the room.

"The Oaf is gone." Loki said as he entered the room. I looked up and smiled then went back to examine the illustrated frost giant page. Since Loki was here I decided to ask a question

"Your a Frost giant, correct?" I looked up at him hopefully and he looked up and smiled sadly.

"Unfortunately yes." He replied still looking at me. I looked back at the page the back to Loki then repeated this process a second time.

"Then why don't you look like this?" I asked and turned the book so he could see it. He looked at the page and then down, "I look like that in my frost giant form but I use my Asgardian form. That way people aren't as scared of me, but if you want I can show you."

Peter could see the discomfort in his eyes and smiled brightly at Loki, "Nope, just a question." Peter said brightly then went back to studying the page.

Awhile later, Peter began to become tired so he said his goodbyes and stared at the air as the book disappeared from his hands and went back to his guest room. He flopped on his bed and rolled over.

He started out the window at the bright light of New York City. Then Peter thought about that dream and how he looked so different with black hair and her word repeated in his head. He then thought about his quick conversation with Loki with the spell. Then it finally hit him

He jumped up from his bed and started into the mirror. What if  I have a disguise spell on me and when I saw myself in that dream, it was me without the spell! And the lady told me that I wasn't a Parker. Peter breathing became erratic and he closed his eyes, trying to calm his breathing.

Peters whole body felt cold and he fell to the wooden floor. For a second he opened his eyes and thought his hand was looking a bit blue but he thought about the snowball fight he had while Loki and he finally calmed his breathing and sat up.

He then fell sleep on the floor...

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