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Pic: Oscar.

I sat on my bed, bouncing my leg. I was itching to go out, since I had stayed in every night since the incident, but I knew it was a bad idea. It was just hard to stay in because it looked like a really nice night to go out, since it was dry and not too cold.

I spotted my neighbour's cat outside the window and pushed it open, giving him a pet. As I entertained him, I looked out at the forest. Shadows bounced around against the shed at the bottom of the garden, reflecting figures in the tree line. The night was calm, the sound of the trees swaying in the light breeze relaxing.

I climbed up onto the windowsill, dangling my legs off the ledge as I lit my cigarette. I inhaled it, feeling a buzz as the warm smoke filled my lungs. I pushed my hair out of my eyes, keeping a careful eye on the tree line. If anyone appeared, you best believe I would go crashing backwards into my room and locking that damn window.

I thought back to earlier; at lunch I had asked about the post it note, but everyone had promised they weren't behind it. Unless it really was Dug, I was running out of possibilities. After the strange staring incident this morning, Heather and I had decided it was better to keep these conversations private. Just in case.

I was dead certain that whoever was behind it had darted into that classroom earlier. I hadn't gotten that familiar feeling again through the day, but I think they knew I was onto them. I was so close earlier. I fished the post it note out of my pocket, running my fingers over the letters.

The feeling I got when I touched it was unexplainable. The buzz I got was dull, but it was similar to when I inhaled a cigarette. I knew it was bad, but I craved it in an unhealthy way. I wasn't sure why, but this whole thing was consuming me. I thought about it constantly, the feelings, the strange looks, the mysterious person. I couldn't get it off my mind.

"Cameron!" A voice yelled, snapping me out of my thoughts.

I looked down, seeing the twins stood at my backdoor gate. I flicked my cigarette butt away, making my way across the window ledge to the garage and down the drain pipe. It was a bit difficult without shoes, but I was practically an expert at this point.

"What's up?" I greeted the twins, figuring it wouldn't hurt to have a conversation while still in my garden.

"Dug was taken in for questioning during school today, that's why we didn't see him. Apparently, somebody reported him in school and their allegation matched up with a 999 call from the night before." Mike explained, "You coming out?"

"Promise not to run away if we get into trouble? I've got a stalker now, remember. Can't be risking it." I bargained, relieved to be getting out the house for a bit.

"Agreed, but I'd grab some shoes. Can't run very fast bare foot." Mike smirked, gesturing to my bare feet.

That was a fair point. I grabbed some old shoes from outside the back door and slipped them on, ready to go. We kept them outside because they're dirty- Mum called them muck around shoes when I was younger.

"I left my baccy in my room, so you'll have to help me out tonight." I smirked, Mick reluctantly nodding.

"How come Heather never comes out with us?" Mick pouted, kicking a rock as we walked towards the park.

"Her mum would murder her." I deadpanned, "One time she caught us in bed together, not even doing anything- just friends- and she chased me out of the house. Haven't been able to show my face since."

"What I would do to be caught in bed with Heather." Mick gushed, making Mike and I share an uncomfortable look.

"Even you've got to admit that one was creepy, Mick." Mike grimaced.

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