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Ava was currently sat across from me, nervously twiddling her thumbs together while I finished my cigarette. As soon as I had walked in this morning, she had sidled up to me with pleading eyes and an apologetic expression. The rest of the gang were outright ignored by her, which only twisted the dagger deeper and set up further questions for them to interrogate me with later.

Reluctantly, however, I had followed her and now, here we were.

"Just so we're clear, why did you break up with Oscar?" My voice had a slight edge to it that I couldn't help, "And how exactly was it my fault?"

"Well, I didn't mean that it was your fault..." She frowned, lowering her gaze to the floor sheepishly, "I broke up with him because I know he's not my mate. I've known for a while that he's not the one and that I'm going to have to leave him eventually, but I've been trying to forget it. I always thought that he was my mate and that on my birthday I'd be able to tell him everything, but it came and went and... Nothing. No spark, no overwhelming emotions..."

"So you haven't found your mate yet?" I double checked.

"I haven't." She confirmed, "I've been putting off breaking up with Oscar for a while, because I truly do love him, but then you and Xavier happened."

"How exactly does that effect you?"

"Every time we all hung out I was reminded that I was going to hurt Oscar sooner or later! I knew that once you knew I was a wolf, you wouldn't agree with me continuing to date him either, so I was caught between a rock and a hard place. I just had to get it over with."

I sighed, leaning back. It was a hard situation, but she couldn't place the blame on me and my relationship with Xavier. Whether I was Xavier's mate or not, Ava was going to have to break up with Oscar eventually. Unless she rejected her mate of course, which I personally don't wish on anyone. That shit hurts.

"So you're just going to ignore us all for the rest of your life, then?" My voice was dripping with sarcasm.

"Of course not. You know I love you guys, but seeing Oscar right now... It's a lot." Ava's eyes welled with tears, making my cold exterior melt slightly.

"You're being silly." I sighed, wrapping her in a hug, "Both of you need your friends right now and ignoring him is only creating more pain for everyone. Just try sitting with us again, I'll make sure nobody brings it up. If you really want things to go back to normal, you just have to push through this awkward and painful breakup stage. You and Oscar are best friends before you're romantic partners."

"I suppose you're right, I'm just scared." Ava's mascara was smudged slightly from the tears, making her look a bit like those American cartoon raccoons.

"I know you are, but so is he. We all are. I'm here for you and so are the rest of the gang." I promised, a ghost of a smile slipping onto her teary face.

"Thanks. I don't know what I was thinking when-"

Ava was cut off by a shriek coming from the common room, making both of our faces drop. My stomach lurched and I leapt to my feet, shaking slightly. That shriek was definitely not one of delight...

Ava's face was full of fear, letting me know that whatever was going on in that common room, wasn't good news.

"Jude's here."

I was dreading hearing those words, but of course Jude was here. It was just my luck that a psycho would show up at my school like this. I cursed under my breath, composing myself so that I didn't seem weak in front of the pack, before I marched up the fire escape.

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