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"Give me a second, I've got to go to the bathroom." I excused myself from the group heading to lessons, making my way to the toilets.

It didn't take me long to use the bathroom, partially because I was rushing so that I wouldn't be late to class, but as I was washing my hands I noticed something in the bathroom mirror. I leaned closer to it, trying to figure what the hell it was.

"Looking for me?" 

The voice scared the shit out of me, making me jump and slip on the slightly wet bathroom floor.  As my ass hit the floor, a groan of pain escaped my mouth- that hurt more than I'd like to let on, especially when Jude was in the room. 

"You're the last person I would ever look for." I sneered, wiping my wet hands on my trousers and pulling myself off of the floor.

"Oh, Cameron, you hurt my feelings!" Jude mocked me, leaning against the door to leave the bathroom.

"What do you want, Jude?" I deadpanned, not wanting to deal with his bullshit right now.

"Aren't you afraid? It's just me and you..." Jude's expression grew darker, "I could do anything I wanted right now." 

If I'm being honest, then Jude's threat did shake me to my core. It's hard not to be so scared of an absolute lunatic like Jude- his threats weren't baseless, he had killed people after all. Knowing you were in a room with a murderer was enough to make anyone filled with fear, but I was trying my best to remain brave. 

"I have a feeling that you can't touch me, Jude." I mustered up the courage, "You know it would send Xavier into a frenzy and you'd be killed. You're much too smart to hurt me now, so what are you really here for?" 

"Some bold assumptions you're making there, Cameron. I'd be careful if I were you- they could get you hurt." Jude growled.

"I guess I'm correct, then.." I chuckled, "Spit it out, Jude."

"I need you to deliver a quick message to your beloved boyfriend." 

"Well skip to the chase, you're making me late for English. Haven't you ever heard of a text before?" 

"Watch your lip." He warned, taking a few menacing steps forward.

"I don't want to deliver any fucking message of yours." I hissed, "It's too close to doing you a favour and I don't do favours for sickos." 

I must have pushed Jude too far because before I knew it, he had me up against the bathroom wall by the neck in a chokehold. Upon impact, my head slammed into the tiles leaving me with a pounding headache and slightly blurry vision.

"I said, I need you to deliver a quick message to your beloved boyfriend."

With every word, Jude's eyes grew darker and he tightened his grip on my neck, squeezing it like a woman in labour squeezes her partner's hand. My eyes were pouring with tears, hands desperately trying to pull his away. My vision kept focusing and unfocusing, Jude's stoic face merely inches from mine. 

"I want you to tell him that I'll see him soon and that a couple of old walls aren't going to keep us out, okay?" Jude's voice was eerily calm, considering he was choking the life out of me. 

I struggled against him, trying desperately to get even one breath into my lungs. Jude's stoic expression finally cracked, a sick and twisted smile spreading across his face as he watched me struggle. The sick fuck... I spat straight in his face, making that stupid smile drop as he stumbled backwards in disgust.

He dropped his iron grip on my throat and I fell to my knees, gasping for air desperately. My throat felt like it was on fire and my eyes were spewing tears, making it look like I had niagara falls spouting out of my face.

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