• Chapter Twenty Four •

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Today is our last full day at the coast, which sucked.

I decided to spend my day at the beach and a some of the group joined me.

We set up the volley ball net and played girls against guys. The guys beat us every round that we had played, but to be fair it wasn't an evenly matched game. It's nearly impossible to beat three athletic male opponents, when you have two unathletic teammates who don't care about winning.

It is is also difficult to concentrate when my greek god of a boyfriend played the game in only his swim trunks. His toned abs and biceps were on full flex, and not to mention his beautifully sculpted back coming into full view every time he turned to high-five his friends.

"Can't you just let us win?" Erin complained.

"You don't want a false victory, do you?" Devin teased.

"What I want is to no longer have sand stuck to my sweat covered body." Caitlyn said.

"Charming." I mocked, cringing.

"If you're willing to agree that you gave up after loosing too many times, then we can stop." Archer said.

"That's fine by me." Erin said.

"Com'on guys. One more try." I pleaded, not wanting to loose.

"If you want to continue, then you'll fo it alone." Caitlyn said walking away in exhaustion.

I grunted in response.

"Don't be mad, Blondie." Archer teased as he came up next to me.

"Easy for you to say, Mr Three-wins-in-a-row." Archer chuckled.

"Four wins." He corrected. I gave him a death stare.

"Jeez." He said acting scared, placing his hands out between us to shield his face. I slapped him softly on his shoulder.

He moved his hands away from his face and used them to pull me into him.

"You're adorable." He said before kissing me on the head.

"Why thank you."

Archer grinned at me.

"I'll race you to the water." I Challenged.

"You can beat me." He said.

"I'm pretty fast."

"Okay. Fine." He agreed.

"On your marks. Get se-"

"Go!" He yelled.

He only had a split second advantage due to his cheating ways and I managed to keep at his heals. I was a small step away from beating him, but he increased his pace.


We reached the water and Archer ran to where it was deep enough to dive. I stood waiting for him to resurface, ready to lecture him. When he did, he ran his hands over his face and then through his hair. He made his way over to where I was standing, probably holding a disapproving look on my face.

"Like I said, you can't beat me."

"You cheated." I stated.

"I won."

"You di-" I started, but before I could finish Archer had lifted me over his shoulder and started toward the deeper parts of the water.

I squirmed in attempt to break free form his ridiculously string hold, but it was no use.

"Admit that I won or I'll drop you." He teased.

"Archer! Put me down." I giggled out.

"One, Two-"

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