• Chapter Twenty Seven •

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The picture that you see above is for all of you that comment, vote or just read the story that I have created.

You guys inspire me to continue to write and I couldn't be more grateful for your support.

Thank you.



The doctors said that I could leave today. The day of our graduation ceremony.

They have cleared me of any life threatening issues and said that as long as I take it easy I'm allowed to leave. The nurse said to stay in bed as much as possible and not to do anything that is too strenuous on my body.

So, I am waiting for Archer to pack my belongings into the bag that my mom had brought for me, containing a change of clothes. He insisted that I do absolutely nothing.

I think Archer still feels bad about everything, but I forgive him. I'm just happy to be alive.

After I woke up form the anaesthetics I couldn't remember what happened when I was in the accident, but since then all the horrifying memories have come flooding back in, piece by piece.

I remember the impact, the disorientating spinning, the flipping of the car. I remember hitting my head and blacking out. I remember segments of the ride to the hospital, with panicked paramedics trying to preserve my life.

"Aurora, you ready?" Archer asked, bringing me out of my thoughts.

"Yah." I smiled at him.

He took my hand and assisted me off of my hospital bed. When I was up he placed his hand on my back to guid me through the hospital.

"Archer, I'm okay. Just a little sore." I said with a soft laugh.

"I just want to be sure."

I laughed again.

Ow. Stupid ribs.

We walked through the hall slowly and the nurses said goodbye to me as I left.

These last few days in the hospital weren't too bad, because I made friends with two of the nurses and they kept me as comfortable as possible. I missed my bed and the nights of disturbed sleep were lonely, but I'm glad to be going home.

I did not get to go to the school and collect my final report, so my mom collected it for me and brought it to me at the hospital. I did well. I'm thrilled with the marks that I have and couldn't ask for better. 

As we walked down the hall I saw Cody and Devin approach us, holding a massive plush bunny and a silver helium ballon. Dorks.

"Oh my word." I said to Archer, smiling widely. "They're so sweet."

"Hello, feisty." Cody greeted, moving in for a soft hug. "I'm glad to see that you're up."

"Hey Cody." I laughed lightly at the sight of him holding the plush bunny.

"Hey, Aurora." Devin said smiling and giving me a hug. "We're going to hold ono these until you're at the car."

"Thank you guys. This is so sweet."

Cody and Devin came to visit me twice while I was in the hospital. Both of them brightened up the dreary room with their bickering, jokes and comments about the nurses. They made hospital recovery so much more tolerable.

Archer hardly ever left and only went home when he was forced to. He too made the hospital experience that much more tolerable.

We continued down the halls and elevators until we reached the exit of the hospital.

Her Strength, His Weaknessحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن