Chapter 6

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"The saddest thing is when you are feeling real down, you look around and realize that there is no shoulder FOR YOU"

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"The saddest thing is when you are feeling real down, you look around and realize that there is no shoulder FOR YOU"

3rd person POV

Tony entered the room. Stiles had sat fiddling with his hands when he heard the door open. He didn't look up, he just expected it to be Natasha coming in again. Tony gave a little cough from him which did so Stiles looked, and a few meter away from him stood Tony Stark in the flesh. Stiles knew it was Tony Stark because when he was younger Tony Stark was his idol. That was until all the supernatural things started happening and he realised that Tony Stark wasn't much of a hero, he never came to Beacon Hills and tried to stop the murders there. Tony had Stiles's file in one hand and a cup of blueberry he was eating from in the other hand. "Hey kid" he said in a soft voice while he sat down in the chair. Tony would try to do the opposite of Natasha and try to be sweet and gentle instead of being harsh and mean. He laid the file on the table and just sat in silence studying Stiles and eating his blueberries. Stiles also just sat in silence looking at Tony waiting for him to say something. "Hey kid how are you doing?" Tony asked in the sweetest voice he could mutter but it sounded forced and Stiles could hear that.

Stiles just gave him a blank stare and didn't say anything. "Im Ton-" but before Tony could finish Stiles interrupted him. "I know who you are. Tony Stark, also known as iron man " Stiles said in a mocking tone. "So you know who I am" Tony asked but it sounded more like a statement. Stiles just gave him a confirming nod. "Did Natasha tell you why your here today? Tony asked even though he knew the answer. "Yes she did, apparently you think I'm some crazy person going around killing people, so that's just great" Stiles said in a sarcastic tone glaring at Tony. "Did you kill them" Tony said asked completely dropping the sweet and gentle tone. "As I already gave said. I didn't kill anyone, and why are you asking I know that the mirror is a two way mirror you have watched me through and I know that there is a camera in the right corner watching me" Stiles finished with a annoyed look on his face. Tony leaned back in his chair with an impressed look. "Your smart. We have your grades from your school, an A student in almost all your classes that's impressing" Tony stated looking at Stiles.

Stiles just gave a dry chuckle from him but it sounded more like a scoff. Stiles leaned forward in his chair now with a intimidating look on his face "why dont you just ask me the question you wanna ask me, because to be honest your wasting my time and i could use this time much better and I'm sure you could too". Tony looked at him for a second before copying his act and leaning forward in his chair "what do you want to answer. About the murders or about your powers?" Tony asked looking him in the eyes trying to read him. Stiles didn't know how he could explain the powers so he just said "I didn't kill anyone"
"We both know that's a lie. Even if you didn't kill anyone in Beacon Hill you still killed a Shield agent, we a footage proof" Tony answered back.

Stiles opened his mouth to answer back but no words came out. He didn't know what to say, he stopped looking Tony in the eyes and looked down at his hands like it was the most interesting thing ever. Tony knew he'd won. "How do you explain that?" Tony asked while taking a blueberry in his mouth eating it. "It wasn't me" Stiles said in a whisper. Tony almost missed it. Tony scoffed at this statement "what do you mean with it wasn't you" Tony was genuinely curious. Stiles looked anywhere but Tony he was starting to get nervous, he didn't no how he could explain this without revealing everything.

Tony could see that Stiles was nervous by the way he was fiddling with his hands, looking anywhere but him and sweating. Tony smirked to himself, he knew that he was getting somewhere. Stiles didn't answer he just sat in silence. "So what's your explanation?" Tony asked getting impatient. Stiles still didn't answer. "Come on Stiles what do you got to lose. Believe it or not I'm trying to help you" Tony said looking at Stiles with a soft look. "I-I c-cant tell y-you" Stiles said still looking at his hands.

Tony knew he needed to get answers about the powers but instead of pushing he tried with a completely different question. "Why did you lock yourself up I Eichen House?" Stiles looked up from his hands surprised that Tony didn't push any further with the question. "I-I already told Natasha that. I had really bad Insomnia and when I finally slept I was sleepwalking" Stiles said looking at Tony. He was still nervous waiting for Tony to push further with his powers. "You dont get locked up in a mental institution for insomnia an sleepwalking" Tony said looking at him with raised eyebrows. "I had some trouble remembering some stuff too." Stiles said shrugging like it didn't matter. "Yeah we heard that, you were tested positive for Fronto tempo dementia but disappeared when the light went out. The next time people see you, your school coach is shot in the stomach" Tony said looking at Stiles for his reaction. Stiles was shocked he knew that they knew some thing about what happened, but he didn't expect them to know that much.

Before Stiles could answer to questioned. "Where were you"
"I-I uh I was- I dont- I dont know" Stiles said stuttering it out. "You dont remember?" Tony scoffed. "What about the wire that was cut in the hospital the night you disappeared did you do that?" Tony said crossing his arms. "No I d-didn't" Stiles answered back cursing in his head for stuttering. Again Tony moved on. "What about your friends. Your friend Scott McCall is involved in a lot of things too, how long have you known each other?"
"Since we were four" Stiles answered back quickly. He didn't want to talk about Scott, or any of his former pack mates.

Tony could sense that Stiles didn't want to talk about, but he kept pushing "what about your other friends? Lydia Martin, Isaac Lahey, Derek Hale, Allison Argent and the two twins Ethan and Aiden" Tony asked. "It seems like your all were involved in the murders?"
"Then why are you only researching me?!" Stiles asked now getting frustrated. He didn't want to talk about his former pack mates. He didn't wanna be here in the first place. "Were only researching you" Tony said pointing a finger at Stiles "because your were the one that blew the sheriff station up. None of your friends were involved in that, and your involved much more than any of your friends" Tony finished still pointing an accusingly finger at Stiles. Stiles didn't know what to say so he just looked down at his hands and didn't say anything. "Come on kid, give me something" Tony said looking at Stiles. "Wh-what do you want me to say. I didn't kill anyone"
" What about your powers then explain them" Tony said looking pleasingly at Stiles. It was very rare that Tony was this way but he was desperate for answers.
"I cant tell you" Stiles said looking Tony straight in the eyes. Tony knew he wouldn't get answers. "Fine" he said standing up from his chair with the file and walked out the room.

Tony walked into the room were the others were. "That kid is a nightmare. He won't answer anything useful" Tony said letting out a sigh. "What are we gonna do know?" Bruce asked looking around at everyone. "I dont know about you but I need a break" Clint said standing up from his chair stretching. "Thats a good idea lets all sleep for the night then we can come back tomorrow and try again" Natasha said. Everyone agreed to that. All the avengers left till it was only Steve back. Steve looked at the mirror into Stiles room. Stiles sat fiddling with his hands and shaking his leg. He looked nervous to Steve. Suddenly Stiles looked right at the mirror where Steve was. Steve thought for a moment that he had seen him but that idea quickly got dismissed when Stiles just started looking around. Steve turned the light of in the room and left to get to his bedroom.

Sixth chapter is done. Was it good? Bad? Awesome? Trash?
Who knows. Hope you have an spectacular day and OMG 149 reads on my story that's AMAZING

Love ya all

If your reading this story your probably obsessed with Dylan O'Brien. Just a fact!

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