Chapter 18

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"Its really sad how people claim to love and care about you and yet they replace you so quickly"-Unknown

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"Its really sad how people claim to love and care about you and yet they replace you so quickly"

3rd person POV

Its been about two hours since the avengers was last gathered. They had all gone their separate ways. Right now Tony was standing on top of the Shield building waiting for Peter to arrive.

As Tony saw the helicopter he felt a pang if relief hit him that Peter was safe. The helicopter landed and out came Peter with a big smile on his face seeing Tony. "Hey Mr Stark." Peter said cheerfully, forgetting why he even was here in the first place. Peter was just happy about seeing Tony.

"Hey kid." Tony said more seruisly. Tony looked around spotting an agent. "You over there. Take the kids bag and put it in his room." Tony said to the agent. The agent looked like he wanted to say something but decided against it and took Peters bag. "Come on." Tony said gesturing to Peter to follow him.

Peter followed silently behind Tony. They walked through the big Shield facility until they reached a conference room. Tony opened the door and held it open while Peter walked inside. Inside tge room sat Natasha, Clint, Bruce, Coulson and Fury. All their eyes were locked in Peter making him nervous.

"Hi." Peter waved awkwardly not knowing what to do. Tony rolled his eyes at Peters behavior and sat down in a chair. Peter followed quietly and sat down in a chair beside Tony.

"Alright now that everyone is here what do you say about getting this show on the road." Tony said with a cocky smile. Fury glared at Tony but Tony ignored it. "What is it that you want to show us?" Fury questioned. Tony stood up from his chair. "I found some deleted footage of Stiles-" Tony said while walking around the room. Everyone attention was on him. Tony continued. "And a deleted police recording of Stiles that I thought you would want to see. I haven't watched it myself yet." Fury nodded to Tonys words seemingly interested.

Tony walked over to a big board that was in the room. "The first thing is the police recording. Its from the night Stiles disappeared. It has been deleted for some unknown reason but I managed to restore it." Tony clicked on a bottom starting the recording. You could hear a voice.

"Hey man what's up?" There was a short pause. "Stiles?" They all guessed that the person talking must be Scott, Stiles' friend. There was some heavy breathing sounding like someone crying. "Stiles are you there?" You could hear Scotts voice ask again.

Everyone was completely focused on listening to the recording not wanting to miss anything they said. "Scott?" Came Stiles' voice for the first time. "Hey, yeah I'm here, are you okay can you hear me?" Scott voice was rushed sounding worried.

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