Chapter 10

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"You broke my heart, but I still love you with all the pieces"

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"You broke my heart, but I still love you with all the pieces"

3rd person POV

Stiles ran down the corridor Steve told him to as fast as he can, but he could feel the lack of food, water and sleep slowing him down. Stiles ran but suddenly stopped when he saw two guards standing in front of the door he were suppose to go in to get to the room he was suppose to meet Steve. Stiles cursed under his breath, weren't the guards suppose to be at break. The guards are standing in front of the door Stiles has to get through, talking casually. Stiles tries to think what he can do. In a few minutes people will see that he's gone and then he can kiss goodbye to ever have a chance of freedom.

Stiles let out a breath of relief when the guards finally began walking away. When the guards no longer were in sight Stiles took and ran down the corridor to the door. When Stiles reached the door he quickly turned the door handle, walked into the room and closed the door behind him. Stiles looked around the room. It was a small room with a very few things. There was a small cabinet in the corner, a chair and a big old shelve standing against a wall. There isn't any sign of the door Steve was talking about though. Stiles goes inside the small cabinet hiding if anyone would come in the room who isn't Steve.

After 5 minutes Steve still hasn't arrived and Stiles is starting to get worried. In under two minutes people will see that Stiles is missing. Suddenly Stiles hears someone outside the door. Stiles eyes starts to flicker from his normal honey brown colour to pitch black, he's starting to loose control. The door swings open and in comes Steve.

When Stiles realise its Steve he regains back control, his eyes going back to brown. Steve looks around for Stiles, so Stiles emerges from the cabinet. "There you are" Steve says with relief clearly evident in his voice. "Are you ready?" Steve questioned looking at Stiles' exhausted appearance. "Yeah, I'm ready" Stiles confirms while he nods at Steve.

Steve looks at him one more time before walking over to the big shelve. Steve feels around the edges of the shelve before pushing it aside. Behind tge shelve there is a big door which was the door Steve was talking about. Stiles watched stunned as Steve moved the shelve. And then the alarm goes off signalling that they have discovered Stiles is gone. "Shit" Stiles cursed under his breath. Steve glanced quickly at Stiles, but went back to opening the door.

When Steve got the door opened he motioned for Stiles to come over. Stiles walked over and Steve was just about to go through the door down the hallway when Stiles grabbed his arm and stopped him. "Its not too late" Stiles said looking into Steves eyes. "Whats not too late?" Steve questioned confused. "Theres still time for you to turn back. You dont have to help me anymore. I want ask you to risk your life for me" Stiles explained seriously. Steve glanced down at where Stiles had grabbed his arm and then looked up in Stiles' eyes again. "Im not giving up on you now. We're doing this together, plus you still owe me that explanation" Steve explained the last part halv jokingly and halv serious. Stiles let go of Steves arm and before he could say anything Steve walked through the door. Stiles looked a little hesitant, but walked after Steve.

The longer they walked down the hallway the lower the alarm got. Stiles had no idea how long they had been walking. It could have been minutes, hours, even days he had no idea. Non of them said anything as they walked down the long, dark hallway.

Steve knew that they were getting close to the exit. He could hear Stiles following behind him and the alarm was blaring in the background.

Finally after what seemed like an eternity Steve could see the door that lead out of the building. They're way out. Steve walked over to it with Stiles right behind him. "Is this the door?" Stiles questioned whispering. Steve nodded while looking at the door. The door was a big metal door that needed a code to unlock. Steve quickly glanced at Stiles before putting in the code to the door. The door swung open and Stiles released a breath he didnt even realise he was holding. "Are you ready?" Steve asked looking at Stiles. "Yeah I'm ready" Stiles confirmed. Steve nodded looking at Stiles before continuing to speak. "When we go out the door the cameras will detect us immediately which means we have about 3 minutes to get as far away we can before the avengers and all the guards come" Steve explained looking Stiles in the eyes.

Stiles looked at Steve while he explained it. He was trying to mask how terrified he was, but he was sure Steve could see it in his features. "Are you ready" Steve asked when Stiles didnt respond. Stiles look at Steve with an uncertain look, but nodded anyway. Steve turned around looking out the door again. "On the count of three we run, got it?" Steven questioned without looking at Stiles. Stiles nodded, but then remembered Steve couldn't see him. "Yea-yeah I got" Stiles answered back, voice wavering.

"Three" Steve started

"Two" Stiles heart was beating extremely fast



Steve and Stiles took off running. Stiles ran as fast as he could with Steve in front of him. Everywhere they looked there were cameras following every movement they made. Steve waited for the place he knew there weren't any cameras to run another direction so they hopefully could get away from the avengers and Shield without they can be able to follow them. Finally they reach the place were the cameras weren't up and Steve took a sharp turn left and kept running.

Stiles almost fell when Steve turned sharply, but managed to catch himself and run after. Stiles was panting heavily and his heart felt like it was trying to escape his chest. Then Stiles could suddenly hear it. Behind them Stiles could hear all the Shield agents following them which meant that they needed to keep going if they wanted to have the slightest change of getting away.

Steve kept running left and right and changing direction so they would loose Shield. Steve didnt show any sign of getting exhausted.

Finally after what felt like hours for Stiles Steve stopped. Stiles almost ran into Steve, because he stopped so suddenly. Stiles was panting heavily and his legs almost buckled under him. "You t-think we go-got rid o-of t-them" Stiles questioned still panting. Steve looked back at Stiles. "I hope so" he answered barely looking exhausted.

"Hands up, both of you" they suddenly could hear behind them. Steve immediately reconised the voice as Tonys. Stiles spun around quickly while Steve slowly turned around to look at them. And there they were all the avengers except Bruce was standing there looking at them with a weapon raised. "Let me explain, Tony" Steve tried taking a step forward. Stiles stayed back watching Steve. "Stay back Steve. Im only warning you once. We're gonna take you both back to Shield" Natasha spoke up this time. Steve looked from Tony to Natasha. "Im sorry I can't let you do that" Steve answered

Chapter 10 is done after a long wait. I'll have to post less frequently since I've just started in a new school and I've got a lot of extra work to do, but i promise i will still write whenever i get the chance. I'll try to update at least once a month.
How many chapters do you think I should add in this story?
Thats it for today bye!!

Love ya all

1344 words

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